chapter 1

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I laugh so hard milk comes out of my nose.

"Michael what the hell!"

"oops?" He smirked laughing at me.

I roll my eyes and pull his bright red hair.

"What the fuck Sap!" He yells loudly and laughs more.

I hate it when he calls me by my nickname.

"You know I hate that name Michael." I glare at him playfully.

"I know, that's why I call you that." He smiles.

"Sap. Sap. Sap." He repeats annoyingly.

"Shut up." I say as Melanie comes and sits down at our table.

"Hey guys!" She says loudly.

I look at her and smirk.

Melanie and Michael are my best friends, we're all single as pringles, and don't like anyone, except Melanie.

Mel likes Michael, but Michael doesn't know so it's a lot of drama and teasing.

'Shut up' she mouths to me as Michael eats his food.

"Guess what guys!" Michael shouts while looking at his phone intensely.

We both look at him with confused looks on our faces.


"I just got a dm from some random guy saying he's interested in joining my band!" He exclaimed.

"Coolio.." I say and pick up my tray from the table and walk to the trash.

I walk back and see Nathan sitting at our table annoying the shit out of Melanie.

"What are you doing here?" I ask drawing my eyebrows together.

"Sapphire!" He says standing up.

"Yes?" I ask, not wanting to talk to him anymore.

"I missed you baby." He smirked and came closer to me.

He put his hands on my waist and looked into my brown eyes.

"Get off of me!" I scream.

I push him off and he stumbles back, almost falls onto the floor.

"A-are you drunk?" I ask with my eyes wide.

"Nah.." He says smiling weirdly.

He clearly was drunk. But how? How could he be drunk at school?

"Nathan, come with me. You have to go to the nurse." I say seriously.

"Ha Ha. You said cum with meeeee." He laughed awkwardly.

"You're disgusting." I say with a disgusted look on my face.

We walk to the nurse and he smiles when we arrive.

"Thanks babyyyyyy." He slurred.

I ignore him and walk away.





sapphire «luke hemmings»Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora