Chapter 1

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I woke with a start upon hearing the roaring rumble of thunder erupt from outside the window, which rests in the wall at the head of my bed.

Sighing, I lay in the comfort of my warm bed slightly irritated after realizing that it was yet again, another dreary, dull, rainy day.

Will there ever be a day that doesn't instantly sour my mood? Why can't the sun be out? So I can walk the streets of London feeling it's warmth on my creamy skin, while shopping at my favorite stores and stopping by the cute little coffee shop that resides just down the street. Obviously mother nature had different plans. But hey, a girl can fantasize can't she?

"Stupid, depressing mother nature." I mumbled bitterly while tossing my legs over the edge of my comfy bed.

I made my way over to my sad excuse of a bathroom. It was so small, at least compared to the one I had back in the states. Hell, my old closet was bigger than this bathroom.

I missed my old room, house and even missed my parents and their overbearing need to constantly treat me like a I was incapable of ever being independent, But I had to think about my future. If living in this tiny apartment was necessary in guaranteeing a good future then I had to accept it. I knew I would have to sacrifice some things in coming to London to attend uni, So I can't really complain.

After brushing my teeth, I went to check what time it was; 8:38 am. "shit" I breathed, I still had to do my hair, make up and decide what to wear! My first class starts at 9, not to mention it takes at least 10 minutes to get to campus from here.

I ran back to the bathroom, quickly throwing on some liner, blush and mascara. I Put my long blond hair up into a quick messy side braid and basically almost fell on my face trying to put a cute pink jumper on over black leggings and my ever so  trusty ugg boots. After I hastily grabbed an apple from the kitchen for a quick breakfast to go, I was out the door and on my way to Uni.

Driving round the campus lot, I found that there were literally no open spots left. "Well that's just fucking dandy." I muttered to myself.

I was forced to park a block away, which is just lovely right?

Yeah more like wrong, considering it's fucking pouring at the moment.

"Now I'm definitely gonna be late to class." I huffed, rolling my blue eyes. It was already 8:57, There's no possible way I could get to class on time.

I absolutely hate being late to anything. Punctuation is the one thing I try to be sure to always obtain. yeah well you screwed that up didn't you Lexie? I thought to myself.

Sighing, I got out of the car and bolted to the sidewalk. I ran as fast as my legs could take me towards campus, Forced to look down in hopes of shielding my eyes from the pelting rain.

I was completely soaked half way to the school, finally I got to the safety from the awning over the schools front door. I grabbed the handle still in a rush to get to class.

Too busy trying to make sure my jumper wasn't too transparent thanks to the rain, I collided with someone trying to walk out as I walked in.

It felt like the wind was knocked out of me for a second. The strangers body had felt like I ran into a brick wall. My face smashed against a hard chest and I instantly felt a sharp ache in my nose. I looked up to see it was a guy, chocolate brown curls atop his head. He was wearing a black leather jacket and a white V neck over tight black jeans. I could just make out the dark blobs through his shirt and assumed them to be tattoos.

He had been facing his friend that was beside him, Turning quickly upon feeling me crash into him he looked at me, His green eyes looking over every inch of my face before scowling.

"Watch where you're fucking going, Stupid twat." he snarled.

I gaped at him for a moment, How dare he put all of the blame on me? he wasn't watching where he was going either. Asshole I thought to myself.

I wanted to say it to his face, but something about him made me think twice. He intimidated me, Maybe it was his typical "bad boy" attire and tattoos. Or maybe it was the fact that he didn't even have the decency to be even a tad bit polite to me. He just seemed like someone not to fuck with. 

So instead, Avoiding further eye contact. I looked down at the ground and muttered a quiet "sorry" before brushing past him and continuing on my way to class.

I heard the two boys chuckling behind me as they made their way out the doors.

Feeling a faint blush take over my cheeks, I silently cursed myself for being such a push over.

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