Chapter 3

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For the rest of the day the possibilities of that being the boy from my not-so-heart-warming encounter this morning plagued my mind.

Even if it was him, he could have been looking at someone else right?

I'm just being paranoid and conceited in assuming he was even looking at me, I scoff to myself rolling my eyes.

After arriving home the first thing I did was go to the kitchen, my stomach had been growling nonstop for hours now, begging for some well needed nurishment.

I padded over to the refrigerator, remembering I had leftover pizza from last night. It's actually kinda of embarrassing how excited I get about pizza. I wouldn't be able to live without it.

I took out the red and brown cardboard box, placing it on the counter. Taking out two pieces of pizza and put them on a plate.

I returned the box to the fridge and made my way to the living room.

I sat on the couch, grabbed my iPod and put my headphones in. I always listen to Lana Del Rey while I study, something about her voice just makes it easier to focuse and get my shit done. While munching on my pizza I sprawled out textbooks for all the classes I had homework for and began working.

Honestly the amount of homework I receive everyday is ridiculous, I understand that it's for the best of my education. I just wish they would lighten up a bit.

3 hours later, I finally finished up my homework.

I was exhausted and stiff from sitting in the same position for so long. Deciding that a nice, hot shower would help, I stumbled off to the bathroom.

Stripping naked and brushing out my hair, I pulled back the shower curtain and turned on the tap. The small room immediately filling with steam.

Stepping in under the water, I shuddered at how relaxing the water hitting my tense muscles was, Instantly working some of the tension out. My mind began to calm and cloud over with bliss.

I grabbed my favorite strawberry scented shampoo, Pouring a generous amout into my hand and gently began messaging it into my scalp and hair while humming lightly to myself.

Just when I was about to put my head under the hot water coming from the shower head, My ears perked up upon hearing the distant creak of the floorboards in the kitchen, Followed by a shuffling noise.

I froze, a chill going down my spine and heartbeat picking up quickly.

what the hell?

Oh my God! I shrieked in my mind.

Someone's in my apartment. with me. alone.

I began to panick. What the fuck was I supposed to do? Who knows what kind of person this intruder is, it could be some big burly man three times my size.

Not that it even matter, I thought. If they're armed with any kinda of weapon, It could be a ten year old girl and I wouldnt stand a chance.

I tried to listen for any more footsteps indicating their trek to the bathroom I reside in.

It's so hard to hear anything with this stupid shower running.. But turning it off would alert the bastard of my suspicion. 

I continued to strain my ears for any indication of the strangers presence but I couldn't hear anything unusual.

Well I can't just stay in the shower forever..

I quickly rinsed the shampoo from my hair, My heart felt like it would spring from my chest.

It's now or never.

Slowly, I turned off the tap. I stepped out and quickly grabbed the fluffy white towel off the rack next to me, wrapping it around my body.

I scanned the small bathroom for anything I could use as protection if need be. My eyes landing on the shiny pink plastic of my favorite blow dryer.

It was the heaviest thing I had to work with. Hoping to use it as a blunt force object if needed.

I pulled open the door as quietly as I could and peeked my head out glancing down the hall towards my room, then the opposite way towards the living room.


The coast seemed clear. Still hesitant, I crept against the wall into the living area. My eyes darted around the room quickly, looking for a figure lurking in the dark corners of the room. I didn't see anything out of the ordinary, the front door was shut and locked. No sign of forced entry whatsoever.

Deciding the living room was clear, I moved back into the darkness of the hallway and towards my bedroom.

The door was only open about half way, enabling me to see the left side of the room with out having to enter.

My mouth was dry, breathing shallow, hands clammy and trembling in anticipation of what could be lurking in my bedroom.

Before I could talk myself out of it, I threw open the door the rest of the way, rushing into the room with my blow dryer held up in a defensive stance.

My eyes flicked across the room.

I immediately began feeling silly. There was no one here. Surely I must have just been hearing things.

like I said, you're a crazy bitch. you need help. my conscience sneered at me.

Face palming myself and feeling like an idiot, I made my way to the kitchen for a glass of water to aid my undeniable thirst.

Grabbing a cup from the cabinet, I  sat it on the counter next to the pizza bo—

My breath hitched in my throat, eyes widened.

I know I put the pizza box back when I ate earlier. It couldn't have just grown two legs and set itself there.

I reached over to the box, lifting the lid; It was empty.

Okay, so maybe I'm not going crazy.

Someone was in my apartment and they indulged themselves in eating my pizza..

What the fuck is going on?

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