Chapter 2

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I walked up to the old door of my English literature class and took a breath before grabbing it's nob.

I hated being the center of attention. Seeing as usually when a student was late to class, all eyes would focused on them as they walked in. The center of attention was exactly what I was about to be.

The old door made a loud squeak as I slowly opened it. I shyly inched my way into the lecture hall, glancing up to see everyone staring at me. I swallowed thickly and directed my attention towards the professor, giving him an apologetic small smile. Mr. Williamson stopped mid lecture to aknowledge

"Nice of you to join us miss Burdelas, hopefully you dont make a habit of coming to class late. Please take a seat."

Keeping my head downcast, I made my way to an open seat. "God, that was so embarrassing." I muttered under my breath while cringing to myself.

"what, you don't like being the center of attention?"

I glanced to my left upon hearing the quietly spoken rhetorical question to find a girl around my age sitting beside me.

She was stunning to say the least. Her dark brown hair cascaded past her shoulders and stopped just below the swell of her chest. Her eyes, a grayish green color, peered into mine.

"Oh definitely, I just love being judged and scrutinized by a bunch of shallow teenagers." I replied sarcastically.

She nodded while giggling and extended her perfectly manicured hand to me.

"I'm Aidanne, you're new here right?" she inquired.

I took her hand, giving it a gentle shake. "Yeah, I just moved her from California about a week ago."

Aidanne and I chatted throughout the rest of lecture, comparing Cali to London. She was actually the first decent person I've met since arriving here. Friends are the one thing I'm in dire need of, considering I have no idea what's fun to do around here and I'm not the type of person that enjoys staying home alone on the weekends.

I felt relief rush through me, At least I know I've got one friend to make my time here more tolerable.

After English lit was over, Aidanne and I parted ways with promises of meeting at the coffee shop tomorrow morning before class.

As I sat through the rest of my classes I had to keep reminding myself to stay focused. My mind continuously wandering to a boy with curly brown hair and charming green eyes.

He was beautiful I must admit, But his prick-like persona kind of ruined that fact.

Isn't that how hot guys usually are though? They know they look like a damn sex God so they instinctively act like the world owes them everything. Typical.

But the emptiness in his green eyes brought to realization that maybe it wasnt just a persona. Maybe he was an emotionless, shame free boy who would crush someone with no remorse. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid and dramatic.

I hope to never find out if the latter is true. Either way, I'll be sure to stay as far away from him as possible.

The bell indicating that my final lecture of the day had come to an end sounded, startling me out of my thoughts.

I quickly gathered my things and made my way out of the building.

While walking to my car down the block I couldn't help but feel as if someone were watching me. It felt like someones gaze was burning holes in my back.

trying to be as casual as possible, I glanced over my shoulder; nothing. Not a soul in sight, you're imagining things I told myself, trying to ignore the feeling of being watched.

Stopping at the small intersection, I pressed the button for the crosswalk. Waiting for the signal that it was safe to cross, I glanced over my shoulder once more. This time something caught my attention. There was a black Range Rover parked about a hundred feet back and though the tint was nearly impossible to see through, I could make out the unmistakable mop of curly brown hair the driver adorned.

And though I could only faintly see his features, I swear he was staring at me with and evily menacing smirk plastered on his lips.

My heart began pounding fiercely in my chest and my eyes widened slightly at the sight. I spun around quickly.

Immediately questions began spurring through my frazzled brain.

It couldnt be the boy from earlier, could it? Why would he be following me? Maybe it was just a coincidence.. Yeah that's all, just a coincidence, I reassured myself.

I could feel his gaze lingering on me. Those empty green eyes shooting metaphorical daggers at the back of my head.

I stood nervously, forcing myself to keep from glancing back again. Mentally begging for the light to turn red, as if it could hear me, the little white man lit up indicating it was now finally safe to cross.

I ran across the street and quickly got in my car which was park just on the other side of the crosswalk.

I put my key in the ignition, my car's engine roaring to life. I lifted my gaze back up, looking to the spot the black Range Rover was parked. But it wasn't there, it was gone.

or maybe it was never there in the first place you crazy bitch.

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