Chapter 6

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The car ride was silent. After being slapped, I sat glaring out the window wishing to be dead rather than spend another 5 minutes with Harry.

The tension in the small space of the car was almost palpable.

Harry's demeanor seemed to calm a few minutes after he assaulted me. I on the other hand was still fuming.

How could he just slap me like that? All because I tried to stand up for myself and tell that bastard 'no'. Obviously he's not used to people refusing him, but who in their right mind wouldn't refuse to be taken by a stranger?

I need to get out of this somehow. Harry could be some sadistic serial killer for all I know. I could be on my way to my death at this very moment.

I had already tried opening the door to make a break for it while we were stopped at a red light. It was locked of course.

Fuck Harry and his lack of stupidity. I thought bitterly

Finally after driving for about 35 minutes we came to a stop in front of a gated driveway. It had one of those little speaker boxes, the ones you talk into to be let into whatever resides on the other side of the gate.

Harry pulled up to it and pressed the button with his long index finger.

"Styles residence." an elderly sounding male voice greeted.

"Hello Christoper. It's me, Harry." My captor replied politely.

I scoffed at the uncharacteristic kindness Harry showed towards the man. Did I not deserve the same kindness?

Yeah, I haven't been too pleasant to him but he took me! He deserves my bitchyness.

"Ah, good day sir, welcome back." Christoper said cheerily back as the gates began to slowly open, allowing us entrance.

Laid in front of us was a long twisty road. Harry excellerated forward, slowly driving up the road. There were tall oak trees lining each side. Along with a vast assortment of flowers littering around the base of each tree.

It was rather beautiful in all honesty. Who knew such a twisted man could live amongst such beauty.

The road became a bit wider, converting into a circle drive.

My eyes widened, at the sight in front of me.. I shit you not, was the biggest mansion I've ever seen. I mean, I've only seen about three in my entire life but his was by far the biggest.

Realizing my mouth had been hung open slightly, I quickly brought my lips together before turning to Harry.

"Y-you live here?" I asked, a bit shocked.

"Yeah, It's been in my mothers family for quite some time now. I inherited it after she passed away." he replies nonchalantly.

Right, as if living in a humongous mansion was no big deal.

"Oh." was all I could think to say.

Harry gave me a small smirk before getting out of the car and walking to the other side.

He opened my door, leaning over me and unbuckling my seat belt before grabbing my hand to help me out of the car.

As my feet met the gravel driveway, he tugged on my arm, pulling me flush against him.

I blushed at the lack of space between us, while putting my free hand to his chest, trying to push away from him.

He grabbed both my wrist in one hand, pinning them behind me. His arm around my waist pushing me into him even more.

Damn him and his manly strength.

I refused to give him the satisfaction he wanted by looking away, instead I stared straight into his eyes; giving the best glare I could muster up.

Harry smirked down at me, his eyes alit with mischief.

He slowly lowered his lips to my ear, biting my lobe a bit before whispering "We're gonna have so much fun together love. So long as you behave yourself and learn to keep that mouth of yours shut." his voice was smooth and seductive.

I then felt him begin to kiss my neck, soft feather-like kisses that sent an involuntary shiver down my spine.

I tried to crane my neck away from his hungry lips but he slowly backed me up against the cool metal of the car.

"Harry—get off of me." I whimpered, my voice cracking a bit at the end. I was uncomfortable and scared. How far would he go? surely he wouldn't rape me on the first day would he?

I wriggled, struggling to free myself of his unwanted touch. His kisses got rougher, and sloppier. I felt his hot tongue against my skin before he began sucking violently causing the blood to rush to the surface of the skin.

I released a small yelp when I felt his teeth nip and rake across my flesh.

He quickly ran his tongue over the newly formed bruise, drawing back and blowing on it lightly.

"You have no idea how sexy you look with my mark on your neck." he said with a smug, satisfied smirk on his face.

Oh how badly I wanted to smack it off, you have no idea. If only my fear of what he may do in return weren't so strong.

I rolled my eyes at him, offering no response.

Harry narrowed his eyes at my reluctance to acknowledge his ridiculous statement, irritation showing on his features.

I don't know why he just expects me to go along with this like It's okay.

Like I said before, he's fucking psycho.

Harry shook his head slowly before sighing.

"Come along now kitten, I want to give you the grand tour." he said sounding slightly exasperated

Releasing one of my wrist, he turned around to walk towards the mansion—tugging me behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2013 ⏰

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