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Dean stopped the Impala on the edge of a lookout and shifted to park. Sam looked at him, face full of confusion. "What are we doing?" he asked. Dean responded by nodding his head toward his car door, motioning to Sam they were doing something outside. Dean opened his door and stepped outside. Sam followed suite. "What are we doing?" Sam asked again. "We don't stop to admire the landscape often enough. Everything we see is whizzing by outside a car window." he said, laying on the hood of the Impala and watching the sunset. Sam smiled, Dean didn't get like this very often. He loved every side of Dean wholeheartedly, but this was his favorite. He laid on the hood beside Dean, snuggling into his chest. Dean shifted so he could put his arm around Sam and lay his cheek on his head.
Soon, the sun was completely gone, and the sky had darkened. Sam could hear Dean's breathing slow and his grip loosen. He looked up, Dean had fallen asleep. Sam kept still, debating whether he should wake him. Deciding against it, he carefully climbed away from Dean and opened the passenger door. Once Sam got Dean safely inside, surprisingly not waking him, he sat in the driver's seat and drove off to the nearest motel.
Sam parked the car in front of the numbered door that matched the key number the motel manager handed him. He grabbed a few necessities from the trunk and put them on the floor beside the king sized bed. Then he carried Dean into the room. "How hasn't he woken up? He's usually a really light sleeper." Sam thought to himself as he laid Dean on the bed. He looked at his older brother as he pulled off his own t-shirt and jeans, Dean looked so innocent and peaceful as he slept... If only that's how it really was, peacefulness in this world full of darkness and hatred. Sam got ripped from his thoughts when he noticed Dean's eyelids move and a smirk creeping onto his face. "How long have you been awake?" he asked with a chuckle. "About since you moved me into the car." Dean replied. Sam smiled maliciously and climbed onto the bed over Dean. To Dean's surprise, Sam began to tickle his sides. "S-s-am, p-please, no, stop!" he screeched, voice contorted with pained laughter. Sam stopped after a few minutes, but kept his position over Dean. Dean reached up and kissed Sam's lips, Sam didn't hesitate in kissing back. Dean pulled Sam closer to him, not wanting to let go. Sam pulled away after a few minutes and gave Dean a sweet smile before flopping onto the bed next to him. "I'm tired." he stated as he wrapped himself around Dean. Dean pushed him away and got up to strip down to his boxers as Sam watched. Then he laid back down with Sam, pulled him as close as possible, and interlocked their fingers. "Please, don't ever leave me. Promise me, that no matter how much people look down on us, no matter what society thinks... what anyone thinks, that you will always be mine, that you will always stay with me." Dean whispered. "I promise." was Sam's whispered reply.

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