Surprise! (mpreg)

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This is my first time ever writing mpreg, so please tell me what you think!

Suggested by @PrincessPeach211

Sam's POV

I rubbed my temples as I read over the webpage. "Signs and Symptoms of Pregnancy" How is this even possible? I think I might be pregnant, despite the small fact that I'm a guy. What am I going to tell Dean? Actually, I should probably make sure this is really happening.

I paid the cashier and she handed me the plastic back that held two boxes of pregnancy tests, each holding two tests, and a dozen red roses. If this is really happening, I want to surprise Dean.

"Good luck" The cashier said a little too cheerfully.

"Oh, uh, thanks" I replied politely. If only she knew the situation I am in.


The three minutes were up. Hesitatingly, I looked at the test. Two lines. Positive. Fearful tears stung my eyes as I pulled out my phone to text Dean.

S: You coming back soon? I have some important news, and I brought home supper. xx

D: Yeah. I have something important to tell you, too. x

I put my phone back into my pocket and cleaned the bathroom counter.

A few minutes later, I heard Dean pull in and the door open.


I came out into the hall holding the bouquet of roses I had bought earlier. Much to my surprise, Dean also had roses in his hand.

"Well, I kinda wanted this to be a surprise, but looks like you were thinking the same thing"

He leaned in for a kiss. It didn't last long since both of our minds were focused on other matters. He pulled away.

"Sammy, we need to talk" his tone suddenly got serious.

"Dean. I need to tell you something"

"Sammy. I'm pregnant"

"I am too, Dean"

He looked shocked. "How?"

"Well, there was that one time two weeks ago when I t---"

"I know Sammy!" he cut me off, "I meant how is it possible?"

"Maybe we should see a doctor?"


Two days later, Dean and I are sitting in a urologist's office. When we called about our situation, he was extremely interested and had us coming ASAP.

The doctor walked into the exam room with a sigh.

"I've never seen anything like this, but it seems you both were born with male and female internal sexual organs, but the female organs have been in dormancy until some sperm somehow found it's way to the uterus and acted like a switch, bring the whole system out of dormancy" (A/N: I have no idea if that makes sense in the least)

"So, do the babies actually have a chance of living?" Dean asked.

The doctor thought for a second, "Again, I've never seen this before, but the babies probably have about a 50/50 chance of living, because your male body doesn't have the necessary female hormones, but we can keep an eye on both of you to see what happens. My biggest worry is birth defects because of the limited gene pool since you and Sam are brothers."

I could feel my face heat up at the mention of brothers.


Soon after, we finally were able to leave the doctors after scheduling another appointment.

"Well Sammy, looks like we are going to be fathers"

My hand slipped into Dean's for comfort. Somehow he always made everything seem okay.


Okay guys, comment what you think and tell me if you want a part 2 and 3 possibly. Thanks!

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