The Tour

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Hayden woke up in a large room with grey shiny floor and pristine white walls, the room had single beds in two rows against the walls, she seemed to be in the far corner bed from a door at the other end of the room. It was an empty room other than the beds, bedside tables, medical equipment and windows that seemed crusted with dirt from the outside with green drapes hanging across some of them.

Hayden pushed herself up into a sitting position, wincing at a pain in her bandaged up hand. She looked up quickly at the door opening at the other side of the room, Tess and Dean followed a small Asian lady down the middle of the room toward Hayden, the small lady had short hair with bangs on her forehead, silver streaks throughout it. "Are you feeling any better?" Dean asked, almost sounding concerned, Hayden blinked and nodded "we made it?" "Yeah" he replied.

The little lady interrupted by pushing a cup of blue liquid into Hayden's hand "drink this, you'll feel a bit better" she said quickly. "You haven't introduced yourself to Hayden, Kay" Dean chimed in, Hayden examined the liquid in the cup, swirling it around before drinking it. She glanced at Tess who was giving her a father judgemental look. "I'm Akaylah" the small lady said flatly, Hayden relaxed at the sudden relief in her head and injuries "I'm Hayden" she replied softly. Akaylah flicked her dark hair from her eyes "Okay so now that you're feeling better, it's time for your tour, Dean and Tess will take you. Of course, Tess groaned at hearing her name, Hayden rolled her eyes and stood carefully.

Dean was already at the door, keeping it open for them, Tess was sulking behind as they walked through. "So that was the infirmary" Dean said "obviously" he chuckled "I'll show you around and then take you to Mothergoose" he said, Hayden nodded and looked up at the bright fluorescent lights above, they walked through another door and out into another big room, bunks lining two of the walls, some people were chatting on the beds. A boy with curly blonde hair sat on a couch fiddling with a game on the tv, he looked over at Hayden, Dean and Tess and paused the game, smiling as he stood "she's alive" he chuckled, walking over to them. He flashed his warm brown eyes at her "I'm Pierce" "Hayden" she replied, examining the small freckles on his nose with a smile. Dean cleared his throat "this is one of the many dormitories here, we should go to the cafeteria now, you'll see Pierce again at chow-time" he nods to Pierce and walks to the door. Hayden looks back to Pierce "guess I'll see you then" he smiles and turns to the couch, climbing over it and sitting, resuming his game.

Hayden walked with Dean once again, Tess was no longer around, she must have stayed with Pierce - that was Hayden's guess anyway. "So.... How old are you?" Hayden asked and looked up at Dean, he glanced at her "twenty-two" "oh I'm seventeen" she replied "how old are Tess and Pierce?" Dean thought for a moment "she's nineteen and Pierce is sixteen" he answered, he opened a door for Hayden and she walked through, looking around and blinking.

Vintage looking lightbulbs inside brass pipes were strung from the ceiling around the room for lighting and large tables sat in rows, silver stools lining them. large velvet curtains hung over the windows on the far side of the room and a serving table divided the kitchen from the cafeteria. Hayden could see movement in the kitchen and smell some kind of food, she couldn't put her finger on what it was although, it made her stomach gurgle. Dean chuckled down at her "come meet the chef" he puts his large arm around her and guides her into the kitchen. Hayden looked around at the five or six people putting stock in the fridge, cutting up vegetables and cooking, Dean stopped in front of an old stubby lady with white hair up in a net "Priscilla - this is Hayden, Hayden - this is Priscilla" Dean introduced "oh, hello darling" she smiled "I'm the head of the kitchen here, you must be so shaken up from that awful fall" she pouted "I'll make sure you're all fed and healthy after supper" her green eyes sparkled with empathy and she faced the cooking again "I've got to get back at this now okay?" She glanced over and smiled before cooking again.

Dean led Hayden out "I should really get you to Mothergoose... You must have a lot of questions" he sighs and takes her out of the kitchen, leading her through corridors, people gawked at Hayden whenever she entered a new room. Dean knocked on a large red door with a bronze knocker hanging in the middle. The door was open by a huge man with dark skin, very similar looking to Dean but older and taller, Dean cleared his throat nervously, lowering his head "sir" he said, an obvious lump caught in his throat. The man grunted and moved out of the way of the door, holding it open.

Dean let Hayden in front of him and she walked, looking around at shelves full of old books, a large oak desk sat in the centre of the room with a lamp, computer and stationary on it; a lady with long silver hair in a pony tail sat front of the computer, she pulled off her glasses and blinked up at Hayden, a smile appeared on her face, her eyes wrinkling. She stood and fixed her clothing.

Hayden awkwardly watched as the lady rounded the desk and wrapped her arms around her urgently "you must be so confused but it's been a long time since I've seen you" she said, her voice quiet. Hayden patted her back gently "Could you explain?" The lady let go of her and went back to her seat "they must have taken quite a lot of your memory" she said "who?" Hayden asked "your parents" she replied, Hayden gulped "why did I fall out of the sky?" "They have ships up there, they fled the ground when the machines turned against us" "so how do you know this?" Hayden asked "and why didn't you flee?" The lady fiddled with a pen "my son.... He has made.. Mistakes and he's in denial, we argued over it and he left me here" the lady cleared her throat "your father, is my son" she said "my name is Vienna".

Hayden gulped and watched the lady "what mistakes did my... father make then? Explain, I want everything" she said urgently the lady began "your father is an inventor, he made a lot of the machines, when they started going haywire, your father locked himself and our family away and he started building ships to live in the sky. Our community collected supplies and traded them in to live on the ships. He tried to forget that he started this and I wanted to fix it back here on the ground, he disagreed and we argued. He made the decision to leave me for dead here and now lives in the sky. You must have done something to him for him to throw you out... Literally. You were only six years old when you left.. How old are you now dear?" Vienna asked "I-I'm seventeen" she replied, letting out a breath. "I know it's hard to take this in so suddenly but that was your explanation, I'm your grandmother" Vienna pursed her lips "I have so much to... Learn" Hayden sighed and rested her elbow on the desk, holding her head up. "Why don't you eat and relax for now okay dear?" Vienna stood and walked over to hug Hayden once again, this time Hayden hugged her back "Andre will you please let Hayden out to supper?" She pulled away and smiled at Hayden "best not to tell anyone else that you're the inventor's daughter okay?" Vienna looked over at Dean as well, Hayden nodded "yes ma'am" Dean replied. Hayden walked toward the door "Dean will take care of you" she called out as they exited.

Hayden let out a long sigh and looked up at Dean "This just raises more questions".

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