Beer bottles

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I was crying then I hear a rustling in Simons closet since I was in his room I had no clue what to think

I ran downstairs with tears running down my cheeks my eyes are red and puffy

"What happened bex?" Paul asks coming up to me

"Oh none of your business ok?!" I yell then leave the house and go into mine

I run into my room I was home alone my parents were out with Simons for a while at least a week

I hear pounding on the door but that was cut short when the door opens up I know it's Paul he has a extra key to the house

"Bex can't hide forever you have to talk to us sooner or later now tell me where you are!" Paul yells from downstairs

"Paul she needs a break ok?" I hear Simon

"Why am I here guys?" I also hear Amy

"You did something to bex and I want to know what ok?!" Paul yelled

"Look it's personal!" She yelled

"She is in her room I know it" Paul yells then I hear foot steps

And the Door swings open stupid no lock on the door

"You are coming with me missy" he says the drags me down the stairs to see Simon and Amy where the rest were beats me their here in my house

"Talk now" Paul says Simon looks nervous as hell and Paul was eyeing him

"It's none of your business ok Paul" I say

"Yes it is my business especially YOH since my brother..." I cut him off before he could say anything

"That was a mistake ok" I said

"Then why is it still going on bex? Why? YOH do realize that you and him are still going some mistake there!" He yells I'm crying worse then earlier

"Shut up Paul!" I yell

"What is he talking about bex?" Amy asks me

"Look it's kind of compli-..." I started but was cut off by banging at the door


"Get out of here now" I say pushing ten to the back exit

"No he can't do this to you" Simon protests

"Look I have it all under control ok now leave" I say pushing them out the exit before they could say anything thing else

I ran and unlocked the door

There he stood in all his glory

"Oh how I missed you" he says coming closer to kiss me

"No your drunk right now" I said simply

"I'm not fucking drunk you have to understand that this how I am now you fell in love with me remember not the old me this me" he yells in my face

"You don't care about me so why do you come around anymore?" I asked him

"Because you know why no one can know about you" he said

"Really because you are just a jackass now I don't know why I ever liked you!" I yelled trying to walk away but he grabs me and throws me on the table

"You will take that back bexy or else you know what will happen to you" he says with anger

"I know but I'm tired of this ok" I say getting up and shoving him

He fell down and I grabbed an empty beer bottle and smashed it on his head

He stumbles around then regained his conscience

"You little daughter of a mother fucking bitch you will not do that ever again understand me!" He yells and I didn't reply

Anger was building in his face I knew I was in for it

The last thing I remember was hearing "see you tomorrow babe"

Then he swung and everything was black

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