A missing sass queen

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I wake up my head was pounding and it was killing me

I sit up and look around Oliver was sleeping soundly right next to me then Simon was on the other side with Amy at the foot of the bed

Then I look Sally and Luke are snuggled into each other on the bean bag in the corner of the room and Ben was fast asleep on a chair but something was missing

Or perhaps someone

Where is Paul at ?!?

I look around and there was no sign of him from my eyesight at least since I was barricaded on the queen sized bed by Simon and Oliver then Amy at my feet this was a nightmare

"Simon wake up" I said shaking him awake

"Five more minutes mom" he says then shoes my hand away

"Simon Paul isn't here!" I shouted and he wakes up

"What do you mean Paul isn't here?" He asks sitting up now

"I don't see him he isn't in the room right now help me!" I yelled shaking him again

"Look he probably got laid in a different room chilled about it" he says then goes to lay back down

"Um Simon think about that one more time" I said and his face j could see was think and thinking and thinking

Then his eyes looked like they could pop out his head and he shot up and out of the bed and started looking around the room

"Hey why don't you call summer!" He yells and everyone in the room was still sound asleep somehow

"Hmm what an amazing idea why don't I call summer and tell her that we lost her ducking boyfriend who has maybe fucked someone else I don't know about you but I ain't making that call!" I yelled at him and still everyone is still asleep

"Ok ok I get it just help me look around for him maybe start waking them up" he says and I take option two

I start shaking Amy and Oliver

"Please stop I'm tired" Amy had moaned out

And Oliver just slapped me

"Oh my gosh I'm so so so sorry bex thought you were Tyler!" He yells and at that moment Tyler walks in the door

"Wow sounds just like something I want to hear Oliver!" He yells and everyone wakes up

"Why is it that when me and Simon yell they stay asleep but when he yells they wake up like they just heard zombies were invading or mcr got together or Donald trump died or...." I yelled out but Tyler had cut me off

"Look I get it I'm better at yelling but I couldn't help but over hear that your missing a friend" Tyler says as self centered as possible I don't even know why we are friends

"Yes we are have you seen a short and stubby boy very hyper major sass queen?" Simon says describing Paul and could I say I wouldn't have had done any better

"Oh you mean Paul yeah I think he is downstairs in the movie room!" He yells and everyone else starts getting up but slowly

"Oh you guys are on a hangover I will get some pain meds" he says leaving the room

Luke and Sally had all eyes on them they were still snuggling

All of us were in a awkward silence

"Um do you two have anything that you want to share?" Amy asks clearing us of silence

"What???" Luke asked and Amy pointed to Sally and he immediately jumped up

"Oh ummmm..." He trails of nervously and scratches his head

"You know what never mind that we are missing a person here no need for more drama!" Ben shouts and both Sally and like let out their breath that I didn't even know they were holding

"Look tall guy has a point guys" Oliver starts but Ben cut him off

"My name is Ben and we are looking for Paul those two that seem like love bugs are Luke and Sally I'm sure you can tell who is who afterwards!" He yells kind of pissed he doesn't like being known as tall guy apparently for some reason

"Ummm ok I'm Oliver hey people and we need to find Paul" he said and Tyler came in with pain medication

"Here you guys go and down the waters" he says handing out the pills and water bottles

"Thank you Tyler now did you see Paul last night?" I asked

"Did I see him?! He was everywhere! Everyone had seen him last night he went crazy!" He says laughing

"Wow that sounds like our sass queen can we go looking now we all need to get home and clean up after our own little parties before our parents come back tonight" Simon stated and I kind of nervously went shy but then back to normal

"Okay where was the last place we all saw him!?" Tyler yelled

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