•Chapter 2•

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▪Chris POV▪
My mom pulled me up to to entrance of the school. They wanted me there eat 7:30 so I can your The school. I grabbed my backpack and walked up the steps to the office door. I walked into the office to see two girls standing there talking. They looked up when they heard the door slam shut. They immediately put on a smile. I walked over to them.
"Hi my name is Adrian." She was pretty she had these beautiful eyes and her hair was cute you can see little curls popping up. I liked her out to it fit her
"And I am Elisha. She is going to show you around I'm just here to help out. The other girl said. She seemed a little tense.
The girl Adrian started handing me alot of paper. "Ok here is your schedule, and a map of the school abell schedule and a hand book which you will need if you don't want to get in trouble." She said. I looked at her and shook my head.
"Alright ma." I said. She looked at me for a while and turned away from me. I laughed to myself and flipped through the handbook,until I heard whispering. I kept my head down but listened closely.
"Adrian I don't want to do the tour no more. I mean look at that guy, he might kill us." Elisha said.
Adrian replied back "You don't have to stay if you don't want to go on to your tutoring group, I got this." I couldn't believe they were scared of me but you know it's whatever. Elisha picked her things up and walked out of the office quickly not even looking at me.
"Alright let's start. First I will introduce myself. My name Adrian if you forgot and I am junior class president, valedictorian, and I'm on the dance team. Follow me please." She said. Adrian is a dancer.
"What's with your friend she just left out of here." I asked. She turned her head around. "She doesn't like you so she left. Leave her alone you can't have her." I looked at her and followed her. As she went on and on about the stupid school I kept looking at her figure. She had nice thighs and a round ass, I want that and I claim it. She stopped in front of the gym. " This is the end of the tour because school is about to start. This your first class basketball and if you need anything just find me on one of those locations on that card." She said pointing to the card in my hand. She looked at me again, smiled and walked away.
I opened the door to the gym, the coach saw and ran to me. " You must be Chris. I am Coach Morgonm Go sit down with rest of the team." He said. I walked over to the Belcher and sat down.
"Aye man what's your name?" Said this boy with curly brown hair.
"Chris man. Chris Brown." I said cool.
He nodded. "I'm Bryan, Chris this my crew, the thuggish one is Micheal, then we have my mixed boy Trey, and then Jordan over there is caption he is nice though." I nodded to the other dudes.
"I like yo hair man its tight." Trey said.
"I like your tongue the colors in your head."
These guys were nice they invited me into there crew already and it feels like I know them for years. We laughed from about 10 minutes until coach came and told the game plan for day. We got up from bleacher and head to library. Coach said since have the team was failing we had to go to study hall. Damn this school strict. Jordan saw my look "Don't sweat it man we don't study in there all we do is look at the stuck up junior class officers."
"Oh man look Adrian and her friend in there today man we gotta get a good seat today." Micheal said.
"Adrian is fine man she go them thighs and that ass man." I said.
Jordan smiled " I know but I like her friend she fine but she run us boys all the time I don't know why."
Bryan pushed through us "Man you know Adrian says she don't have time for boys. She trying to get into fancy dance school." We laughed and sat down at a table. Adrian saw us and looked at us, then at me. I looked up at her and she went back to to her work behind the library counter.
Trey tapped on me "why she looking at you man what you do to her."
"She just showed me around school today dang." I said. I really don't know what her problem is but imma find soon.

▪Adrian POV▪
I kept looking at the basketball team during study hall. The only person that caught my eye was Chris. There was something about him that I liked, but I kept telling myself on don't have time for boys. I like his tattoos and the nose piercing, it was a cute look on him. His blond hair was enchanting. I snapped out of my daze. I looked at the clock my next class starts in 10 minutes. I packed my stuff and walked out the library. As I was walking down the hallway. I felt a hand grab me. I whipped around t ok see Chris standing there.
"Aye why you keep looking at me." He asked. I stood there for a moment trying to figure out what was going to happen next.
"I'm sorry I didn't know it was a crime to look at somebody." I snatched my arm away and walked to my next class, English. I sat down next to Elisha. And told her what happened.
"GIRL he likes you. But I like the way you stood your group go AJ." She said I turned back around to my seat only to see the past person I ever thought was going to be in honors English, Chris. He walked down the alise until he found a seat behind me of all places. I looked at Elisha and she looked at me and shrugged. I ignored it and went straight to work. Can't have someone ruling my reputation. At the end of class I found a note on the floor with my name on it I grabbed it and walked out the classroom. Today was long day and I couldn't wait to get home. I walked to my car and pulled out the note.
It read: Hey Adrian. I am sorry about what happened in the hallway today. I didnt mean to do it . I just think really pretty and I just want to talk to you. Uhhh yeah well have a nice weeknd

He left his phone number on the bottom. I balled up the note and put in my book bag. I don't have boys and I definitely don't have time for his bad ass.

______________________________________________________________________________So what do to you think so far. I know there a lot of typos but what do too think of the encounter between Adrian and Chris
Will they ever be something.
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