•Chapter 3•

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▪Chris POV▪
I stood outside the school waiting on my mom when I saw Adrian walking to her car. I thought about walking over there to her, but I knew she wasn't going to talk to me. I looked around the school parking lot no one was here. Basketball practice ran late so my mom was running late. I sat down on the curb and pulled out my phone and looked at my notifications. I had 2 missed and 3 text messages from my side chick China. I mean she fine and all she is just so needy. I ignored the text. Right when I was about to turn my phone of I got a text from one of my home boys down in Tappahannock, Ray Jay
Ray Jay: Hey man I got your order I send to where ever you want just get back with me ASAP.
Me:Alright man send to the house tomorrow when my moms is gone ok.
See back in Tappahannock I was involved with gangs and drugs and mom got fed up and moved us here. She thought it change my life and my attiude. Even though I don't live there is still have to make this cash.
My mom finally pulled up ar9und the cudlsack. I got in the car and was greeted with a smile.
"So how was your day." She asked
"Good I guess nothing really happened I meet some guys in my team and that's about it." I replied
She sighed "How is your schedule I mad sure you were in the honors classes because I know you can do the work."
"Thanks mom for making high school more difficult. Can I rest I had long day." I replied nonchalantly. She nodded her head and turned back to the steering wheel. I love my mama but sometimes she makes my life worst.
When we arrived home she went straight to her room claiming she had a headache. She told me my plate was in the oven if I wanted to eat. I took the plate out of oven and went to my room. I turned on my TV onto the boondocks and layed there until I had to get up and do my homework. All honors classes. Buzz. I picked up my phone, it was Trey.
Trey: you Chris there is a party tonight you wanna go it's at Bryan's
Me:sure why not.
I went to my closet to get something to wear. I mean I'm not suppose to go out until next week but a week won't hurt. My mom is probably passed out sleeping

▪Adrian POV▪
"Oh AJ your how are going to do your hair tonight. It's a mess." Elisha yelped. Tonight me and Elisha were going out to a party at Bryan's house. I mean it doesn't hurt to have a little fun right. I pulled at my hair and tried to brush it down.
"You know let's just flat iron it and move on with it we have to leave at 8:30." I said. She quickly grabbed my flat iron and began to flat iron my hair. After 15 minutes I looked totally different. I was wearing a beige the shirt style dress and beige high top converse and my hair was curled. I looked pretty good.
We walked out the back door to Elisha's red convertible. We got in and headed to the party.

10 minutes later
There were so many people at this party we could barely get in. Elisha pushed our way through until she found a couch.
She plopped down "Let's just sit here and wait for the boys to come to us. Unless you want to come to bar with me."
"Let's go to the bar I don't want to sit here and be desperate." I replyed. We walked down t ok the bar. Bryan's house was so big he had two bars. Elisha pushed me down in a chair next to her.
"Adrian, that guy keeps looking at us. Two rocky cokes. Just look at him." Elisha pointed. I looked over there, this guy looked really familiar.
"OMG EJ I think I know him." I gasped as I picked up my drink. He began to walk over that I us.
"Uhhh Adrian maybe we should stop staring a chug our drinks before he spikes them. Ahhh damn he is looking straight at us. Don't make eye contact." Elisha said so quickly. The guy kept walking towards us. I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I could barely turn around when Elisha sloshed around and said "Listen I would appreciate it if you quite stalking us we are not just some toy for you to fuck with."
I kept looking at Elisha only to realize that the guy looking take us and staring in front of us was that Chris guy.
"EJ he is ok It's that new kid Chris we met today." I told her.
Elisha looked at him "Oh ok sorry about that uhh Chris."
"No its uhhh cool." He said.
"You Chris what up man. Oh and hey Elisha and Adrian. I see you met my friend Chris." Trey. Why is hanging out with him and his little crew. There the biggest drug dealer in the school but they keep on the low. They cover it up because there parents have money so you really can't tell. Elisha has had the biggest crush on him since the 5th grade.
"Hey Trey." Me and Elisha said said at the same time.
"I was just getting at drink but I will find you later ok." Chris said.
"Alright man and Elisha you what dance."
I leaned over and whispered in her ear "Don't get caught up in his games." She nodded and walked behind Trey.
I Turned back around back to the bar.

▪Chris POV▪
"Hey Adrian." I said.
"Yeah Hey. You should stay away form Trey and all of them. They sell drugs or did you already know that." She said. I mean I didn't know that but I can't tell her I been dealing with drugs and I ahve a criminal background.
"No I didn't." I said
"Well it's your choice so what have you been up to." She asked.
"Nothing much I started my homework a little. Can I tell you look pretty tonight." I said. She smiled.
"Thanks. I finally got my hair tamed." She said. We talked getting to know each other. She said she wants to be a professional dancer and own her own company one day. I can't believe how smart she is. She has brain and beauty. All of sudden her friend Elisha came rushing.
"AJ they were shooting outside come let's go." Elisha said as she pulled me away from the bar. She pushed her way through people until she reached the back door. She opened the door and looked outside.
"Come on let's go back inside and hide somewhere. They got this place surrounded." She said while turning around.
"What's going on Elisha." I asked.
She pulled me into a corner "Someones gang came down here because of him." Pointing to Chris. "They heard he was associating with them and Trey and Jordon they pulled out guns from there pants and started firing. I think Chris is fucking with there drug money some how."
"Chris is drug dealer. Just when I thought he was good and has changed." I yelled. I began to storm out the house.
As I heading to the door and hand grabbed my shoulder "Woah little mama hold up where you going." The person said. I gazed up at him.
I jerked away "I'm leaving I don't want nothing to do with this gang shit."
He laughed cynically. "Sorry little mama you staying right here." I looked at him and walked out the door. Elisha quickly hurried behind me.
"You don't know want you just stepped into bxtch." He Yelled, still laughing.
We headed towards Elisha's car.
"AJ walk faster." Elisha said grasping onto my sleeve. I looked and Trey and Jordan were on the other side of the yard. We got into the car and put the car in drive rolling out of the drive way.
"Shit, something always has to happen." I said under my breath. Elisha adjusted herself and looked at me "Adrian Trey is a nice guy, but he almost got me shot. I'm not trying die I have a future.
"Uhh yeah I have been telling you this since 8th grade EJ don't worry you will find someone.
"After tonight I don't want a boyfriend." Elisha said closing her eyes.
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•What happened to Chris at the party?
•Was Adrian falling for Chris?
•And why was Chris old gang st the party?

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