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"WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY?" Yuu grieved.

"Why are you so down?" Sayuri asked while looking at a magazine. The front cover was the kiss Mikaela and Yuu shared during the convention. At first Yuu wasn't bothered about it, but it had been a week and the picture was still everywhere. Apparently people were interested in seeing the famous Mikaela with his woman, if only they knew the truth.

"This is all his fault." Yuu said. "I told him we should run away. Now I'm everywhere, it's a miracle that no one has noticed it's me yet."

Sayuri giggled. "You were really cute then Yuu." She smirked. "By the way, on the day of the convention, you and Mikaela were a bit late coming back home. Did you stop to have some fun? Did Mikaela play hide and seek under your skirt."

"NO!" Yuu yelled. "We didn't do anything, I swear we didn't-" Memories of that night came rushing into his mind. Mikaela's lips and tongue playing around on his body, he blushed, feeling shy about it.

"There it is." Sayuri pointed. "That blush confirms it, something was done."

"I swear, nothing was done." Yuu said.

"Really?" She asked. "Then why have you been avoiding Mikaela?"

"Avoiding?" Yuu laughed nervously. "What do you mean avoiding? I haven't been avoiding him."

"Ok." She smiled. "Good morning Mikaela."

"Morning." Mikaela said.

Yuu jumped and turned around to see Mikaela behind him, his face became red again as he stared at the man. Sayuri was right, Yuu had been avoiding Mikaela, ever since he told him he loved him. Yuu wasn't completely sure of what Mikaela meant but he was scared to find out and the situation had made him uncomfortable, especially when around Mikaela. So he avoided him.

" morning Mikaela." He managed to say. Before Mikaela could even respond, Yuu stood up. "Oops, look at the time, I'm almost late for school."

"Today's Saturday." Sayuri said.

"Yes, a stupid teacher fixed class today so..BYE." He quickly ran out of the room.

"You're right Mikaela, he really is avoiding you." Sayuri said as she looked at Mikaela. "So, what did you do?"

"What did I do?" Mikaela asked. "I'm innocent here." He sat down and placed his legs on the table. "I swear, the boy can be so annoying at times, doesn't he know it hurts me when he does things like this." He grounded. "Well I guess I'll have to punish him."

"If you're going to give your boyfriend punishment, at least tie him to the bed."

Mikaela and Sayuri turned to see Shingu sitting down beside them. Mikaela was frightened and taken aback that he fell from his chair. "Shingu, when did you get here?"

"That doesn't matter." Shingu said.

"BRAT!" Mikaela stood up. "Don't scare me like that, what are you even doing here? I thought you were grounded?"

"I escaped through the windows." Shingu said. "I left a note and told dad that I'll be back later."

"The point of you being grounded is you staying at home." Mikaela said.

"Let's not stray from the topic." Shingu said. "We're talking punishment, so I suggest you take notes from this." He brought out a book from his bag and gave it to Mikaela.

Mikaela's jaw dropped when he saw the book. "Fi-fi FIFTY SHADES OF GREY? WHY THE HELL ARE YOU WITH THIS?"

"No, no Shingu-chan, you can't read that at this age." She said.

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