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"Well, I'm off." Yuu waved as he left with Akane.

"He's happy again." Sayuri said. "It's been two days since he started going to school. Do you think something happened?"

"Maybe Mr. Shindo cheered him up." Tomoe said.

Sayuri smirked. "Huhu, the cheering up must have been really good. Wait, so does that mean he likes Yuu now?"

"Shingu!" Airi called out. "How much longer? I've been here for hours."

"Stop whining Ricchan." Shingu said as he was doing a drawing of her. "Stay still, if you move we'll have to start it all over again." He smirked. "And we wouldn't what that to happen now would we?"

"I have to scratch myself." She said. "My nose is itching me."

"Too bad." He said.

"No fair Shingu." She said. Mikaela walked towards her and gave her nose a little scratch. She smiled and relaxed. "Thanks Mich, you're a life saver."

"Move big brother." Shingu said. "I'm drawing a masterpiece here and I don't want you ruining it."

"Why you little brat." Mikaela frowned.

"Oh no Shingu." Airi said. "Mikaela is actually quite beautiful and a masterpiece on his own."

"Really?" Shingu looked at Mikaela. "I don't see it, he looks plain and ordinary to me. I wonder what women see in him, except for his money there are no great attributed he has. His personality ducks, he's kind of ughlt, doesn't know how to speak his mind."

"Will you just shut up already!" Mikaela said, he knew where Shingu was getting at. It had been a few days since he decided to be with Yuu and since then he still hadn't said anything to Airi yet. "Maybe if you'd just leave and give Airi and I sometime alone together."

"I can't." Shingu said. "This is a bedroom. I will not leave a man and a woman in a place with a long sized bed, devil could decide to come visit."

Airi blushed. "No, I swear, Mich and I won't do anything like that, we've been in a bedroom together lots of times and still nothing."

"One must not physically need to have sex to commit adultery." Shingu said. "As long as you look at big brother Mikaela and begin to fantasize about him in your head, doing all this and that to you, sticking his tralala into your woohoo then you have already committed adultery."

Airi and Mikaela's jaws dropped, the boy talked too much. They were trying to process how an eleven year old could say such things expressionless and without getting embarrassed. Their faces were glowing red and they weren't the ones who said it.

"I wouldn't blame you two for not knowing." Shingu said. "You don't look like the type to read the bible."

"Um..Mich, isn't Shingu supposed to be at school?" Airi asked.

"School is a waste of money." Shingu said as he dropped his pencil and closed his sketch book. "There, all day, thank you for modeling for me Ricchan." He stood up and carried his bag. "Anyway I have business to attend to, I'm receiving a package from Russia today, I hope you don't mind them bringing it to your house big brother."

"What are you receiving from Russia?" Mikaela asked.

"It's a surprise." Shingu winked at them and left.

"He scares me Mich." Airi said.

"That makes two of us." Mikaela said. No one really understood what Shingu was and how he operated and you dare not try to find out because it would be a big waste of your time. Even thinking of doing so was a waste so Mikaela ignored it. He was going to try and tell Airi now that they were alone. "Um...Airi."

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