Becoming an Adult

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Yuu slowly opened his eyes, he couldn't sleep once again. It had been happening for almost a week now, each night he would wake up and would be unable to go back to bed. Some nights he wouldn't even go to bed, he didn't know the reason but he didn't think too much of it. He'd just get up and read, he might as well get busy while he was awake.

"Yuu." Mikaela called from the other side of the bed as Yuu turned to him.

"Hey Mika." Yuu smiled. "Sorry, did I wake you?"

"You've been waking up in the middle of the night these days." Mikaela said. "Is something wrong?"

"I don't know?" Yuu said.

"Are you having nightmares?" Mikaela asked. "Come on Yuu, talk to me."

"I really don't know Mika." Yuu said. "If I did, I would tell you."

"Come here." Mika opened his arms as Yuu went in and embraced him. "We'll stay up together, how does that sound?"

"You don't have to." Yuu said.

Mikaela kissed his forehead. "I want to, so I will."

Yuu sat on the stairs, he was so tired and sleepy but yet he couldn't fall asleep. He was dressed for school but he wondered if he could actually go. "Hey dad." Michiro hugged him.

"Michi." Yuu smiled. "I told you, I'm not dad yet I'm still only seventeen."

"Well you're dating our dad." Miyu said. "So that makes you our parent to."

"By the way, how's school been going?" Yuu asked.

"Great." Michiro smiled. "I'm so popular because everyone knows me as Shingu's boyfriend."

"Lucky you." Yuu said.

The outside doors opened and Shingu walked in also dressed for school. "Good morning everyone." He greeted. "Miyu, Michi, let's go."

"What are you doing here?" Miyu asked. "You never come here before school."

"Yes, I came to deliver something." Shingu brought out a small bottle from his bag. "Big brother Yuu, this is for you." He said as he gave it to him. "This is part one of your gift, even though it's days early."

"Um..thank you Shingu but why are you giving me this?" Yuu asked. "Did I win something?"

"It's an early gift for what's happening in three days." Shingu said.

"Three days?" Yuu asked. "What's happening in thee day?"

"You don't remember?" Shingu asked. "Your birthday is in two days, a.k.a you turn eighteen, the legal year. So I got you that, don't tell me you forgot your own birthday."

Yuu was shocked, he had completely forgotten. He was turning eighteen in three days, and the promise of turning eighteen from Mikaela was having sex with him. In two days, he would no longer be completely pure, no wonder he had found it difficult to fall asleep.

"That's what your worried about?" Sayuri asked. Yuu had skipped school, he didn't feel up to it, he just wanted to stay at home and talk with someone. "Why are you so worried Yuu? You've given the guy hundreds of blow jobs what's there in just taking it up the ass."

"A blow job isn't painful." Yuu said. "And besides, I'm not worried, I'm just nervous, what if I suck at it? What if Mika doesn't enjoy it? I'm still just a kid."

"Don't you dare turn on the I'm just a kid facade at a time like this." Sayuri said. "Mikaela will be furious."

"I don't know." Yuu said. "I'm a little scared Sayuri, what do I do?"

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