Chapter 12 - The Dark One, The Prisoner

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Alice’s POV

The young yet ancient woman groaned and woke up, finding herself in a dark and damp cell with no light whatsoever. She got up and looked around. There was a dim light down the corridor from the Firals, the candle people she made to battle Beferiel before he was banished to the Lost Realm. The other monsters also seemed to still be in their cells, including the ones originally in the cell Alice was currently in. Two Desmoli looked down at her, their large white eyes staring at her with their mouths gaped open, their huge fangs hanging down. Their were hunched over in posture and their claws were hanging loosely by their sides. She sighed and looked around some more.

Her scythe was nowhere to be found.

 She cursed and kicked the wall before slumping down on the floor and hugging her knees. Her one source of power had been stolen from her. Typical. 

 She then looked up at the Desmoli and spoke to them in an ancient language. “Did you see my brother being locked up as well?” She asked them.

 One shook its head slowly, “The Light One is being kept elsewhere. It is unknown what The Shadow is doing to him.” It replied, the words coming out in one long hiss.

 Alice frowned and looked down again. She prayed for both her brother and her daughter’s safety. If Beferiel laid one finger on either of them, he would pay dearly for his actions. Alice swore on her own existence. 

 Geoffrey’s POV

 To confirm his shocking revelation, Geoffrey approached Charlotte after Katie was dragged away by the two child ghosts and coughed awkwardly.

 Ignis greeted him by squawking at him immediately, being as protective as usual. Not only that, but his tail was burning more than usual as well. Charlotte, meanwhile, smiled at him and tilted her head, “Is there something you wish for me to help you with?” She asked.

 Her language is so sophisticated, yet she is so innocent as well...Geoffrey thought for a moment before shaking his head. “Um, well it’s a question concerning your wings.” He said, gesturing to the two feathered appendages sticking out from her back.

 She looked behind and chuckled, “Ah yes, I suppose I should explain.” She carefully got up, making sure Ignis wouldn’t fly off her shoulder. “Mother explained to me that I contain the diluted blood of an angel. Whether I am the actual offspring of one or not, we are unsure, but she believes it’s likely.” She plucked a stray feather from her wing, “It’s probably the reason I was left on her doorstep as well. Whoever were my parents must have believed I wouldn’t be accepted into the human world.”

 “S-So does that mean you have...celestial abilities?” He asked, still unsure.

 “Well, I can heal using the magyk inside me, and I can fight with the axe Uncle Albert made especially for me.” She smiled.

 Geoffrey smiled fondly at the mention of his former lover’s name. “How was he when you last saw him?”

 “He was okay. Buried in his work as usual.” She chuckled.

 “Ah, so he hasn’t changed...” He mused to himself.

 “B-But, when I left, Mother seemed to be in a rush to get me out of the house. And then she mentioned getting an army a-and then Beferiel was there a-and...and...” Tears were starting to roll down her face as she remembered her mother and that she might never see her again if she wasn’t saved soon.

 Geoffrey panicked a little and in a moment of madness hugged the poor girl. “We’ll save them...I promise...” He muttered.

 She sniffed as she hugged him back. “ sure?”

 “Definitely sure.” He smiled, even if he wasn’t as sure as he said...

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