Dirty Mouth

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A/N: Hello there! So it's my first time uploading my fanfic on the internet. Hope you enjoy btw I can't change my rating cause my laptop's being a biz. :) P.s. Don't mind my English and typos


- Annabelle Maxfield -

 Slut. I am not a slut! It’s not my fault that their boyfriends check me out. What do they expect me to do? Wear a paper bag over my head? God damn bitches. And how is talking or texting them flirting? I don’t even know how they got my number! Besides, I already have a boyfriend! I'm not a timer! Just because my friends are it doesn't make me one...

At this time, I was on the verge of breaking the toilet mirror. My eyes started to become glassy and I began to let it all out. Ugh angry tears! It makes me look so weak… Usually when I’m with people I will look up to prevent the tears from falling down, as I said, angry tears make me look weak. The only people who knew about this are my former best friends. I left them when the popular girls  'found' me. My life became slightly better, I was invited to parties every now and then and stuff like that, but it became more miserable than it was before. I had boys coming up to me telling me that I’m pretty or whatsoever and for that, I received a lot of hate. Like a lot. Frankly speaking, I’m tired of everything. I’m tired of all the hate. I’m tired of all the drama. I’m tired of the bullying done by my clique. Most of all, I’m tired of acting like a bitch to keep up with the standards of my clique. I heard the door swung open and I quickly washed my face. It was Diana; one of my former best friends. Suck it up now Anna. She walked to the basin area and grabbed some tissues as I pretended to wipe my hands on my skirt letting my hair cover my face hoping that she wouldn't be able to see my bloodshot eyes.

“You ok?” she broke the silence. Dang it! She noticed.

“Yea, I’m fine.” I faked a smile and rushed to the door.

“You know… If there’s anything you need, I can help-” She said trying to make eye contact with me.

“That’s nice but I don’t think Noelle will like the idea of you helping me.” I cut her off before walking out of the toilet.

- Diana Alline -

 Rude much. She totally cut me off. Certainly not the Anna I used to know. Maybe Noelle was right, maybe Anna has totally changed. “Ms Popular always busy with parties, sleepovers, dates- ugh well why would I care?” I remembered what Noelle said to me a few days ago. Despite the boys, parties, boys (oops I’ve mentioned that, oh wells) she doesn’t seem to be as happy as she was before. I mean seriously, look at what just happened. She had obviously been crying!

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