Live by Faith

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"The righteous will live by faith." Rom 1:17

What does it really mean to live by faith. 

Some misunderstood living by faith as a leap in the dark or moving forward with much uncertainty. Others think of faith as unguided intuition where people act on “hunches” hoping that they choose the best among multiple options. Still many others equate faith to “fate” or being fatalistic- a mindset that leaves everything to chance. 

To live by faith, according to Romans 1:17, ought to be the lifestyle of the righteous. Living a life of faith, based from Hebrews 11:1, is having the certainty that things unseen are real and that things that are to come will really come. 

Definitely, living by faith is not a leap in the dark. Instead it is stepping into the future with certainty from the promises of God. It is what Proverbs 3:5 describes as trusting in the Lord with all our hearts because God is trustworthy and His promises are certain. Living by faith springs from the certainty that God is real. 

Furthermore, Hebrews 11:6 is very clear, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” Living by faith is the only lifestyle that pleases God. 

Don’t be fooled to think that your problems are bigger than God. Look at your situations with certainty that God is able to overcome your struggles. Live not by what you see. Live by faith.

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