Chapter 3 - Blake

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Chapter 3

It was dark by the time Blake left the office.  It took longer than expected to finish off the calls and reports.  Usually he hit the gym after work to work off the frustration, but tonight he needed… distraction.  He was good at sales, but he hated the corporate world.  He pulled off his tie and unbuttoned the top buttons of his shirt.  Locking his briefcase in the car he walked the few blocks to “Push”, the hottest new club in town.  The bouncer was a friend from the gym and as usual Blake got waived through with a quick handshake. 

Blake liked the vibrations of the music and even though the club was dark, he could see perfectly.  Every glance a pretty girl sent his way, every guy checking out the competition.  The walls were interspersed with columns of water, lit by lights and bubbles creating patterns.  The vibe was electric and the can of Red Bull in his hand was ice-cold.  A gorgeous dark haired girl was casting sultry glances his way that was melting the shirt off his body. 

Crushing his empty can he sets it on the bar next to the beauty.  “Are you here alone, or is someone gonna try and beat me up later?” 

She giggles shyly and shakes her head.  Indicating the glass in her hand he leans in and shouts “Can I buy you another drink?”  

She places her glass on the bar and points to the dance-floor.  “How about a dance instead?”

For the next couple of hours he was absorbed by the vibe, the music, the scent of passion in the air, and the undivided attention of the gorgeous Angela, till he felt the unmistaken vibration in his pants. 

Pulling out his cell he checked the incoming message:  ‘Meeting tomorrow morning, 9am, don’t miss it again.  Cal.’ 

“What’s wrong?”  The now very drunk Angela shouted in his ear. 

“It’s nothing!  Just work!”  He shouted back. 

His mood instantly dropped another few degrees when he spotted Mike Burton making his way through the crowd. 

“Mikey!”  Angela squealed and gave Mike a lopsided hug. 



“I see you’ve met my sister.”  Mike’s tone was friendly and insincere at the same time. 

“Very friendly girl!”  Blake shouted back.  “But actually, I was just leaving.” 

The surprise on Mike’s face was worth it, even though leaving Angela seemed like a missed opportunity.

Suddenly the club was too hot and too loud and he needed to get out of it.  Tipping an imaginary hat to Mike and giving Angela an extravagant kiss he left quickly.  Back at the black vintage mustang he threw the car into gear and raced out of the garage.  Fifteen minutes later he pulled into the driveway and stripping his clothes off as he walked he dove into the cool, clear water of the swimming pool.  It was long past midnight and only one light was on in the main house.  He swam a good few laps before movement caught his eye. 

Keira had dropped a towel on the side of the swimming pool and was grinning at him with her arms on her hips.  “Hot night?!” 

Blake just grinned and swam to the edge of the pool.  “Is the heat keeping you up as well?” 

Keira let her gaze sweep over him.  “Among other things.” 

And with that she turned and went back inside.  Minutes later her light went out.  Blake pulled himself out of the pool and wrapped the towel around his waist.  Suddenly he was feeling much better. 

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