Chapter 8

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Officers rushed to the gym. The noise coming from the gym itself was deafening. There were screams of pain, cries for help, people shouting at each other. There was a full out riot. Inmates were slamming mugs into each other's heads. Books were used as weapons, tables, beds, the showers and the toilets. It was a blood bath. Mainly between a set of Blood and Crip members. Some other inmates from different races had joined it too. A riot squad had been called and would arrive at the facility soon.

Officers rushed into the room, letting off teargas and flash-bang grenades to control the prisoners. They managed to restrain some but many couldn't be. They went at each other like animals. Punches being thrown left, right and centre. Some inmates even had knives. They grew more intelligent when it came to weapons. Anything could be used as one. A large African American man, a member of the Bloods had used a toothbrush as a shank. He had filed the end down to a point. A few Mexican men ran to him with books they had. He simply slashed their arms and stabbed them both in the chest.

The man was backed away from the riot. He sat in the corner and began to hallucinate vividly. His memories were being projected over the fight like a movie was being played. It was his fifth murder. Alexi. He cried to himself, lifted his knees up to drop his head in between. He cried unbelievably hard. His mental state was even worse than it was before he first went to prison.

He suddenly began laughing. He ran out of the gym screaming his head off. He ran towards the guards and bumped into them. His body jolted backwards, slammed into the ground and he rolled over a few times. "What's the point? I'm gonna fucking die in here." He kept laughing hysterically.

Meanwhile the riot soon started to dim down. The riot squad had arrived. They bashed inmates with their shields and used their batons without mercy. More teargas and flashbangs were used. Several officers came in armed with rifles. They fired several rounds into the ceiling. However, they were just blanks. They managed to restrain the inmates who were involved. They were all taken to holding cells, dragged by their feet and beat with baton if they didn't comply.

The only inmates left in the gym were those who had been injured. The blood ran along the floor. It was like a river just pouring it's way down towards the wash area. The riot squad just looked around at the mess. "We'd better keep an eye on the other blocks. Chances are there's gonna be another riot. Tell the warden." They all left to call a cleanup crew.

The inmates in the gym would spend the rest of the day in recreation. It would take at least a day. Everything would be stripped. The bedding, books, clothing. Each inmate stripped searched. Privileges would be revoked immediately. The man had snuck off somewhere. Using the riot as a distraction. He found himself within the skin of the cell block. He was in staff area. He went to the control room. The room itself was quite large. It had desk and seats all facing the Windows so they could see the inmates. Each section covered a part of the building. One side looked at the cafeteria and hallways. Another at the gym, others in the yard. He took the chance well. He smashed everything. Using the chairs he destroyed the monitors, computers, equipment. It made him feel good inside. He snooped around more, stumbling upon an evidence locker. He was confused. Don't they keep this shit in other places. He laughed to himself as he opened it. There were hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drugs in the locker. Ranging from tobacco to cocaine to heroin. It had all been seized from prisoners. He took some cocaine, tearing the bag open. Dumping some on the desk to his side, burying his face into it and sniffing deeply. A lot of cocaine entered his system. He was still sober at the moment. He put everything back but suddenly his body froze. He collapsed right there, knocking his head against the ground hard. Blood dripped. His eyes closed. His breathing became slower. He was unconscious. For now.

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