Chapter 9

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*Azalea's POV*

I pranced around in my heels, tugging at the mini dress, hugging all the curves I possessed to show off. "Where the hell are you Brooklyn?" I muttered, glancing down the hall for blonde curls. People pushed past me, heading into the lunchroom laughing and talking about their day.

Giving up on waiting on her after five minutes breeze by, I went looking for her. A trickle of worry runs down my spine but I brush it off quickly, sauntering down the hall. Walking near the front I see her hiding behind lockers, "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I growl.

She jumps glaring at me, "Shut. Up."

"Why should I? Explain to me-" Brooklyn cuts me off with her hand being slapped against my mouth. I bit back the pain I felt when the ring on her finger collided with my lips and just listened. Brooklyn was the only person in the world that never got me to fully argue with her, or hate her. Guess that's why I put my ass on the line for her, for example; right now.

"Just look and listen." Brooklyn pointed down the hall that captured her attention so much. Rolling my eyes I peered after her. My mouth drops at the sight of the beautiful man. Comparing him to everything in the hallway this man was diamond, and we, the school and people, were rocks. He seemed to be in a heated conversation with the principal before walking away, toward our direction.

"Jeez Brooke act normal," I elbowed her, randomly picking at a locker to look like I was trying to pry it open.

The man walked by, the smell of cologne hung to him, a smell so intoxicating I couldn't resist saying a simple hello. "Why hi there," I stopped him, his face clearly reading I startled him, "Names Azalea, need any help touring the school? Or looking for anybody? I practically run this school too." I winked.

His smile sent butterflies through my stomach making me feel insecure about how I look, an emotion I haven't felt in years, "Why yes. I suppose I do need help." He laughs lightly. It was music to my ears, too catchy to never hear again.

I looped my arm into his, despite Brooklyn's feeble attempts to reel me back. Her mumbled objection were not a concern to him and I. My only focus was him, and so was I to him. His jacket sleeve smooth against my skin.

"My name is Malcolm by the way." He chimes in.

"You're British?" I asked, annoyed and intrigued at the same time. "There's too many British people at this school I swear. What makes you lot move here to Rockland County?"

"There are others?" He asked surprised too. He glanced at Brooklyn.

"I'm not British." She says at the same time I say, "She isn't British."

"Then who?" He asked, all of sudden really interested in what we had to say.

"People. That's who." Brooklyn snaps, tugging hard on my shoulder, causing me to wince in pain.

"See you around I suppose!" I called back, giving him an apologetic smile.

"Azalea," He called, making me shove Brooklyn away for me to turn around, a dazzling smile placed on my face, "It was nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Malcolm." I said, a burst of giggles wanting to erupt from me. Finally giving up I'm lead away by a seething Brooklyn, glancing back once before leaving behind his beauty around the corner.

*Malcolm's POV*

"She's cute." I say, turning around to see the fast approaching duo; The principal of Bradford High and his. . . Assistant? I cocked my head to the side and studied her. On her badge read Ms. Banks. Hmm, must be a teacher. I shrug it off, bored that I was still here when I could be in search of Styles.

"She's a student Mr. Malcolm." Principal Bradford began.

"A student who is also my daughter so keep your filthy hands off of her." The small woman warned.

I laugh lightly at her attempted threat, turning it into a cough when her eyes narrowed dangerously, "Can't compliment someone under age now can we?"

"No, you cannot." She snapped. Her attitude was vexing, and minute by minute I could possibly explode with rage I tightly contain in a small jar inside of me.

"Well then," Brushing it off I turned to Bradford, "Inform me of any information pertaining to Styles immediately please and if you spot him please don't hesitate to call me." Giving a brief nod to both of them I excused myself from their presence, walking swiftly out the school.

A scowl replaces itself among my features, I can't help but let it rest there for a while. I unlocked my infinity and slid in. I jabbed at the steering wheel, hitting it a few good times out of anger. Why can't I find this kid? I'm so close, yet far away. To calm my mind I let it linger a little too long on the pretty girl with black hair and red lipstick on.

The sound of a phone vibrating sets me back I to reality, "Hello?"

"Hello Brother." She echoed back into the phone, in the background I could hear pool balls crashing against each other and the sound of slot machines.

"You're at the casino?" I asked, irritated even more that she was there without me.

Her laugh is chilling, but not to me. I'm use to her laugh being dead and cold, it was never alive after what happened, "Oh don't be mad at me brother, in fact, you should be happy. Come on over and I'll show you a little surprise I got you." I hear her cup her hand around the phone's microphone, muffling her words she exchanged with another person. She came back saying, "Come here soon brother. I can't hold her for long." And with that she clicked off.

I pondered on what my sister was hiding from me. Feeling hot I took off the jacket and rolled up my shirt sleeves, revealing sleeves of tattoos I hid from them. Reaching over to the glove box, I grabbed a blunt lighting it with a flick of a lighter. Taking a few hits letting the smell marinate in the car I cranked the engine and strolled out the school parking lot, heading to the casino.

*Principal Bradford's POV*

I looked out the window to the man who walked to his car. I couldn't see what he was doing but I knew he was up to no good. Cold sweat has covered my body, the fear of my life was evident when I jumped at the offer to help him, after he threaten the lives of my family. I'm surprised no one knows who he is, but after all, no one pays attention to the British.

"Sir?" Ms. Banks asked, sticking her head through the door, "You wanted to see me?"

"Ahh yes," I sat up in my chair, clearing my throat and fixing my neck tie, "I wanted you to go retrieve Daniella Premo remember? I heard her and Styles were close from a few students after they had a little weekend getaway to Atlanta."

She dips her head back out, her heels clicking against the floor as she goes looking for Daniella. Sighing and rubbing my temples, trying desperately to calm my nerves. I glanced out the window again, him and the car was gone.

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