Chapter 12

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I laughed, straight into his face. Me? Drugged? Since when? By who? Who would even drug me? “Azalea.” I sneered, brushing past Styles, not giving a damn that he was here or not.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Styles asked, slowing me down by grabbing my shoulder, his touch burned me.

I shook him nonetheless, “To beat some cocky rich ass, pale ass bitch who drugged me.”

“How do you even know it was her?” He asked, making me look into his eyes.

“I don’t know!” I threw up her hands, “Why the hell you asking so many questions! Aren’t you supposed to be mad at me for kissing Zayn?!” It made me angrier that he barely showed any hints of jealousy. Spectacular.

“I know you did it just because you missed me and were desperate for some action. You don’t like him like you like me or else he would still be here because you would have begged him to stay and not me.” He smirked, knowing he was right.

I hated that he was right, that was the only reason why. How can he read me like a book when he barely knew me? So frustrating, “Avoiding questions aren’t we?” I walked around to my car, and jumping in, cranking the engine that would never come on. I got out the car, frustrated tears already escaping my eyelids as I kicked the front left tire, “Damn car!”

I heard Styles door open, “Wanna come or not?”

“I don’t want to go anywhere with you Styles, you cause me to go crazy.”

He sighed, bobbing his down and then looking back up at me with his upper lip hooked under his lower lip, “How many times are you going to say that? Ok I make you go crazy blah blah blah now shut the hell up and get in the damn car will you?”

“No need for all the cussing, gosh it’s not good.”

“And you can talk. ‘Rich ass, pale ass bitch’ was it?” Styles kicked at my hind legs, ushering me faster to his car. Damn him.

*Brooklyn’s POV*

I kept tapping my foot against the tiled floor of the school, frantically checking the clock every six seconds. I haven’t seen Dani ever since she walked out the front doors of the schools to go to Styles’ house. I should’ve gone with her, and since I hadn’t I felt something terribly wrong had happened. I leaned over to Niall, nudging him with my elbow.

“What do you want Brooklyn?” He hissed, not bothering to look up from his work.

I frowned by his response, “I just wanted to know if you heard from Styles.”

That got his attention, “Why would you want to know that? I thought Azalea was the one into him―unless you’re doing Azalea’s dirty work then damn you’re worse than a whipped boyfriend.”

“Never mind,” I said annoyed now by Niall. Why is he so rude to me now? We use to be best friends until this year, “Could you at least give me Dani’s number.”

Niall shook his head, “I don’t have her number, and don’t need to hear shit from Zayn and Styles. Although, Jessi has it.”

“Jessi.” I repeated, not filling well about talking to her. I didn’t like her and she didn’t like me; it was that simple. Sighing and glancing to make sure the teacher wasn’t looking, I half hobbled, half ran to the empty chair next that should’ve been occupied by Dani.

“Go away evil hag.” Jessi said, staring straight in front of her, trying to control her shaking. I knew the only reason she was shaking was because of me, she hated me that much.

I laughed half heartily, easing back into the chair, “Now that’s not how you greet an old friend.”

“You’re right, I should’ve said go to hell and never come back.”

I stopped smiling after that, cutting to the chase, “Actually it’s not that easy.”

“No? And why is that Brooklyn?”

“Cause we may have a slight problem. . .”

She turned, her brown eyes sparkling with hate, “Why do I have a feeling this involves me.”

“Because. . .” I indicated to whose chair I was sitting in, and then jerked my head at Styles’ empty chair, and Zayn’s.

“Boys. They always cause trouble.”

  I titled my head in sympathy thinking not really looking at anything, “More than you can imagine.”

(A/N): Guess who updated?! Me!!! LOL I'm so sorry for the longggggg wait but I had a writer's block :( and it sucked ass but now im back! yayyyyyyyy :D haha I got new ideas for this! lol and check out my new fanfic called Addicted! I'm going to be updating that in a couple minutes too! Love you xx. comment, share and vote! its awesome to know what you think (:

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