Chapter 1

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I first moved to Korea back in August, from Seattle to Seoul was quite the trek and overwhelming. I decided to take a job up at a Guest House in Hongdae close to the college I was going to attend. Working at this guest house gave me a free personal room and bath, three free meals a day and I only had to work 20 hours a week to earn my keep. Seeing as this Guest House was only a few blocks from Hongik University, I accepted the job offer. I came here to Korea with very little money and big dreams. This dream was 3 years in the making and every time I felt like I was ready to go, the Universe kept me in Seattle; torturing me endlessly. Now that I feel I am absolutely unprepared and NOT ready to spread my wings, the Universe is granting me my wish of making something of myself. I am finally mature enough to move forward?

My parents, obviously are terrified of my leaving the country. I'm an only child after all, not including my two step brothers, whom I do love dearly. My mom decided to give me a large chunk of money for my 31st birthday even though she couldn't offer that last year on my 30th. That's OK, I had a great trip back East to New York with my dad and step mom and it had been over a decade since I'd seen New York! Best 30th birthday gift ever, really; at least for me. Most would want a house or a car or a 'round the world trip with their spouse or something. I was single and happy to go visit my family whom I hadn't seen in years and my cousin whom I had seen since he was 1-years-old and I was chasing him around my aunt and uncle's apartment trying to change his diaper! Honestly, if I wasn't moving to Korea for a big reason, I'd attempt New York. One big city transplant to another is easy; you just feel like you're exploring another part of the large city you just came from that you've never seen before!

My first two months in Seoul have been tough. Learning the city, the bus system and train system all in a language that I am only barely familiar with has been quite the challenge. I've made a few friends at the guest house, where I'm staying, and they are big clubbers. For those of you who know me, know I am not the biggest fan of clubs. However, put me in a lounge or dive bar and I am happy as a clam! One fellow in particular is very interested in me and keeps trying to take me out to get me drunk. His name is Dudley and he's in Seoul visiting for a couple weeks from Australia. If he wasn't so sleazy I may consider giving him a chance, but I always feel slimed whenever he's around. Every time he has a conversation with me I feel the need to go take a shower. That's seriously how much this guy creeps me out. Then there's Brian; a Korean American boy I met in the library while I was doing my homework. He's a stocky 5'7 with the cliché asian boy muscles and gorgeous smile.

"Hi," Brian whispers to me as he sits down next to me.

"Hi?" I say looking at him very confused while getting ready to insert my headphones so I can review my class lesson.

"I'm Brian, saw you in Korean 101 today," he said with an adorable crooked smile.

"You're in there?" I asked.

"Yep," he said. "I'm the T.A., name's Brian Kim"

"Nice to meet you Brian," I said. "You're American? Or Canadian?"

"I'm American," he giggled. "I hail from Phoenix, AZ."

"Oh? I have a crazy ex-boyfriend from Phoenix," I half teased. "No, really...he's crazy..."

"Where are you from?", Brian asked.

"I moved here from Seattle to study Korean and ultimately finish my architecture degree," I said openly so he would stop asking so many damn questions.

"Architecture? That's ambitious of you," he said. "I'm very impressed!"

"Thanks! I'm also looking for a gym where I can take crossfit lessons, know of any?", I asked. "I can already feel myself slowly losing muscle mass from not lifting."

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