Chapter 22

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As soon as I got out the shower my phone began to rang. It was that unavailable number again, so I already knew who was on the other line. I quickly picked up the phone and answered it before he hung up.

Unavailable: You have a collect call from... Shawn Porter. Do you accept the charges?

Me: Yes.

Unavailable: Wadup Ma?

Me: Hey babyboy. Nothin much. Just gettin out the shower.

Unavailable: *smirks* So you still wet? Just how I like it. *licks lips*

Me: *laughs* Shawn you are to much. Don't be thinkin like that witcho young ass.

Unavailable: Mama me and you both know I'm way older than my age.

Me: True. Have you talked to anybody besides me?

Unavailable: Naw. My pops he don't give a fuck about me. I'm on my own now. You all I got left.

Me: That's not true. Your father cares.

Unavailable: Yeah right. Just like my Mom did right?

'Let me stop for a second and let me explain Shawn's family... background if you will. Okay? So Shawn's Mom walked out when he was 9 for another man who encouraged her to do drugs. She left Shawn behind not caring what happened to him. Shawn's Daddy on the other hand didn't want Shawn. When his Mother announced she was pregnant with him he told her to get an abortion. But she kept him. They struggled for awhile and maybe a year after Shawn was born his Mother was pregnant with his sister Leasia. Their father walked out, when he was three, to try and get his shidd together. Make a better name for himself other than drug lord. So he was gone til Shawn was seven which made Leasia six. When Shawn turned eight his sister died in a car crash with their Uncle Ron. His father started to develop drinking problems and his mother began to mess around with other men and got introduced to drugs. So when Shawn was nine she left and never came back. And every since then Shawn tried to help his father in every way that he could but could never do anything to please him so finally he said fuck it and started to do his own thing. Which got him in a lot of trouble. So here he was now 14 years old. Basically an orphan with just Stephanie to look out for him. And also in juvy for a situation he hasn't told her about yet. Anyway back to it.'

Me: I'm so sorry Shawn. Butchu' know I got you. Ight? Remember what I told you before.

Unavailable: *smiles* Yeah I remember. Look my time gon be up soon okay? Happy birthday and I love you. I'll be home soon.

Me: I love you too.

Tears blurred my vision. I forcefully pushed them back to where they belong. I wasn't gon cry. No I wasn't. It was birthday. I was turning 17. I had no reason to be crying today. While I was gettin dressed I began to hear multiple voices in the living room downstairs. Rob's loud ass. I finished getting dressed and walked down stairs to see what my mother had got me. Once I reached the last step I froze.

"Hey baby."

"Hey Daddy."

August POV

I walked in the house sighing in frustration. I knew Steph was mad at me for quitting school but I was tired of the bullshit that was surrounding me. I went upstairs to my room and flopped down my bed. I ran my hands down my face as I thought.

'I'll see you later on tonight. If you still love me enough to come.'

When she said that. It hurt more den anything. I love that girl more than she'll ever know. She was my sun. My earth. My moon. My stars. My universe. Everything I could ask for.

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