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* Louise's POV *

Life is weird. 

It's full of ups and downs, and rights and lefts, and every direction you could think of and more, life has them. But life decided to use every one in the book with me, or so it felt. Things had been up, then they looked down, then they looked sideways, and she so did my frown. Things happen for reasons unknown to you, but one of the only things that matter to me in the end, is the outcome itself, and I've got to say, this outcome wasn't too bad. 

"Lou! Are you coming? Darcy has already darted ahead, and Phil's gone after her."

She smiled up at him, and nodded, walking to his side, and walking step by step with him. This was her family, and she loved them very much. Most would say she's messed up. 

"There is supposed to be a mother and a father, and a child. Not two gays, a single mother, and a fatherless child, what is wrong with you?"

But quite frankly, she didn't care. This was her little odd squad, and she wasn't going to let anything tear that reality of hers up, not again anyways. She adjusted the flower crown on her head, and Dan did the same. She'd made one for each of them. Roses for Dan, since they were his favorite. Lilies for Phil, since he said he loved them. Sunflowers for Darcy, since she was so sunny and bubbly, and a mix of flowers on top of her head, for her bipolar - ish personality.

"Lou, do you think life turned out well?"

She was surprised by the question, not from him really, he always seemed to be asking those sorts of questions, but the question itself. Had it turned out well? Suddenly all the bad and negative things came and attacked her, and she suddenly had a gloomy mindset. She opened her mouth to speak, obviously visually upset due to Dan's worried expression, when a squeal sliced through those bad and negative thoughts, laughter following shortly after.

Darcy and Phil.

And suddenly she felt like she knew the answer, but didn't know how to word it just yet.

"Let me get back to you on that one, okay?"

He seemed concerned by her sudden change in mood, but couldn't help but smile at the scene that was in front of them. Phil had finally managed to catch up to Darcy, grabbing her in his arms, and swinging her around playfully, tickling her squishy side, and the aura was happiness, and it made everything feel bubbly and new, and okay.

Everything felt okay.

We'd finally arrived home, all piling in and practically falling to the floor, well, except Darcy that is. She practically ran on top of us she was so full of energy. But I knew it was almost nap time, so, it'd wear off soon. Hopefully. 


She took a deep breath as Darcy finally lulled off to sleep, and she went out to join the boys in the lounge, sighing as she came back to them kissing quite a lot. Okay, maybe Dan had been right, maybe she was a bit jealous she was single. But now was not the time to go looking. 

"Alright, alright, break it up, break it up, come up for air. I don't need two more dead bodies on my couch." 

She dropped directly in between them, watching as they both pouted, but eventually sighed and smiled, Phil looking down and away, and Dan just patting her head. She shook her head and kicked up her feet, letting out a long, troubled, sigh. But she smiled afterwards and gave a stretch before turning on the telly and getting it on a movie that had just started. She was comfortable, content, and care free. Three of her favorite things to be, especially all together.

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