Love Me Dearly

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Hello people!!! ^_^ this story is also on my Fanfiction account Katie.davids11, so I did not steal this story for those of you who have read my stories, hope everyone enjoys!!!

I'm only human

Iv'e got a skeleton in me

But i'm not the villain

Despite what your always preaching

-Monster by Paramore


I was walking through the woods thinking to myself when a faint smell of human blood swept across my senses. I stopped and waited for the burn to start in my throat. It strangely didn't come at all. I could hear a small heartbeat and curiously stepped in the direction it was coming from. I soon reached the meadow that Edward usually sits in when he's thinking.

In the middle of the meadow was a little girl with blond hair and bright green eyes. Her hair curled at the ends and she was wearing jeans and a pink shirt. She was sitting down on a huge pink suitcase making dandelion bracelets. She looked to be 5 years old maybe 4. I hesitantly walked forward. She looked up and smiled at me. I looked at her curiously.

"Are you lost," I asked softly when I was a few feet away from her. She shook her head no. "I'm waiting for my mommy to come back for me," She said pulling out a letter for me to see. "Mommy told me to give this to anyone I see," She told me. I took it from her and read over what it said. My heart instantly broke.

Dear anyone who reads this,

My husband is a very violent man and has beaten me many times. For the sake of my daughter I may or may not have smuggled her away safely. If I am not with her while you read this then I probably didn't make it. Please take care of my only pride and joy as if she were your own. He will get revenge and will find her. Take her away from here as far as possible. Her name is Alison or Ally. She is 4 years old, but very intelligent. She knows that I may never see her again and she understands. There are adoption papers with my name on them. Just fill it out and give them to the adoption center and she's yours legally. If you are ever to hurt my darling little girl then I will rise from the dead to haunt you.

Good Luck,

Lilian Gates

If I could cry I would at this very moment. This little girl had lost her mother and would probably never see her again. "Did you read this letter?" I asked. She nodded and hopped off of her suitcase. She strangely came up to me and hugged my leg. This little girl amazes me. I picked her up in one arm and grabbed her suitcase.

"It looks like i'm taking you home little one," I say fondly. She just smiles brightly and snuggle into my arm. I smile brightly and start the walk back home. I doesn't take long before she's asleep. I don't blame her. Today has been rough for her. No doubt Alice has already told everyone what she saw.

Iv'e always dreamed of having my own child and she seems to like me already. She was already lightly snoring. I smiled and cautiously opened the door that led into the kitchen. I stopped and listened. Alice and Jasper were in there room. Edward was playing his piano softly, Emmet was probably hunting. Charlise was in his office and Esme was waiting for me.

Her face lite up and she glided forward and brushed away Ally's hair from her face. Esme smiled widely. "She's so pretty," She said softly. "I know," I agreed. I went to the living room and set her gently on the couch. and draped a blanket over her still form. Everyone joined us in the dining room. Emmet decided to grace us with his presence right then.

"I'm back," He bellowed. I smacked him upside the head before sitting down. "Ow rose Rose what was that for?" He said fake pouting. A little tiny laugh like a bell came from the door way. Ally was smiling at us and was looking at us curiously. She made her way over to me and put out her arms and I picked her up.

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