New Perspective

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You, with your switching sides, and your wild fire lies

and your humiliation

You, have pointed out my flaws again

as if I don't already see them

I'll walk with my head down trying to block you out

cause i'll never impress you

I just wanna feel okay again

-Taylor Swift, Mean

There was a few gasps, but I didn't notice from who. My life was falling apart right in front of my eyes. She's back for revenge. "We need to change her now, if she's back we don't need any hesitation," Carlise says calmly. I walk to the nearest couch, and sink down.

"Edward, if it has to happen, can you please change me?" I ask quietly. He nods grimly. i imagined changing on a special day, not because I have to. He sits next to me placing a tender kiss on my cheek, before biting my neck. I awaited the pain.

Three days of pain, and burning later

I opened my eyes to a new world. Everything was much clearer, and sharp. I breathed in the scents of the house. From the looks of it I am laying on my bed, in my room. I rolled my head to my left, and saw someone's fingers intertwined with my own.

I glanced up to see Edward. I smiled softly. "Don't you look handsome," I tease. He looks at me in confusion, and wonder. "Are you okay? No newborn has ever acted this way," he tells me quietly. I smile widely at him. "i always knew I was special," I say jokingly.

I sit up, and roll my eyes at the sky blue dress I was in. No doubt it was Alice. For a second panic flares through me. "Katie isn't here is she?" I ask hurriedly.

"No, no it's okay. we would never put her in danger like that," he says. I relax instantly. Alice, and mom skip into the room, quickly hugging me. Alice speeds out the room bringing back a full length mirror.

My blond hair had beautiful golden blond bouncy curls, my complexion was smooth, and perfect. When I took in my eyes they were a deep crimson. I smiled at Edward who was standing behind me.

He took my hand, and pictures passed before my eyes. It was all of Edwards memories. There was some that he probably didn't even remember. I could feel everything he felt.

Edward was glowing practically. Alice, and mom were looking at us in confusion. "Did I see what I think I saw?" I ask him. He smiles and nods. I race over to Alice, and take her hand.

Apparently Alice was in a mental hospital when she was little, because she saw visions. Then when there was a fire, a vampire named Victoria saved her life. Sadly to my poor mind her personal memories of Jasper, and her showed up.

I let go of her hand. "No wonder you hate being a mind reader," I tell Edward. He starts to laugh at Alice's face. If she could be embarrassed she would. I join him in his laughter.

"I can see people's history. Even memories you can't remember," I tell Alice and mom. They nod. Then I notice that were the only ones around. "Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Everyone else took Katie to the movies, while we make sure you hunt." Alice says. Now that I think about it my throat only tingled, like when your foot falls asleep, and it just gets non-numb.

"My throat just feels tingley. I think you guys exaggerated a bit when you told your stories," I tell them. They all look at me in astonishment. "What? It's true," I say is defense.

"It's okay love, we are just surprised," Edward tells me. He turns to Alice, and mom. "I'll take her hunting, and we'll be back soon," he says. They nod, and he leads me out of the house.

We take off into the woods, really fast. Usually you would think it's scary, but knowing that you can't get hurt helps a lout. He teaches me how to hunt, and soon the annoying tingling is gone.

When we are running back, I stop in my tracks, and so does Edward. Standing infront of us is Bella, again. She smirks. "I see somebody finally got changed. Like that will help you," she says.

I growl fiercely at her. "All bark, and no bite." she says causally. "What do you want this time?" Edward asks. A smile tugs at her lips. "Prepare for war, she says.

"Meet us in the clearing in Forks, Washington. Eather prepare for war, or surrender. If you don't show we'll kill your sister," she threatens me. Now i'm just confused.

"i don't have a sister stupid," i tell her. She grins evilly yet again. "That's what you think," she says before disappearing.

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