Life's Not Fair

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I watched my bestfriend crumble into a million peices. All I could do was hold her. Soon enough the rest of the family are rushing in. They stop in there tracks when they see Edward. Esme and Carlise rush forward and engulf Edward in a hug. I smile sadly and sooth Katie's racking sobs. Mom comes over and smoothes my hair away from my face.

"Everything will be fine," she tells me. Katie looks up. "Nothing will be okay anymore," she says sadly. "There gone!" I pull back and look her in the eye. "Katie, your mom and dad wouldn't want you to be sad. Right now there up in heaven and they are probably going to be okay. They would want you to be happy okay?"

She nods and smiles. "Do you think they are really watching me?" she asks. I nod and hug her again. "I think I understand," she says. I smile brightly and hope everything will be okay. "I have no other family," she says softly. "What will happen to me?" I look up at mom pleadingly. Her eyes shone sadness and she nodded.

I squealed and jumped up hugging mom as tight as I could. She chuckled and kissed the top of my head. "Should we tell her everything?" I ask quietly. Mom shrugs. "If thats what you want," she says. I turn around to a confused Katie. "Welcome to the family!" I say happily. She looks at me shocked. "I couldn't," she says shyly.

Esme rushes up to her and hugs her. "We can't just send you off to the adoption center!" she says sadly. "Let us help you," I tell her. "It would honor your parents," I say softly smiling at her. She tears up again and nods. I excidedly jump up and down. I sadly remeber what I have to tell her. "Let's go home. You should know a few thngs about us first."

We got home not to long ago. I'm sitting in the living room with everyone else. I brace myself for Katie's reaction. I had just finished my story. A slow smile creeps onto her face. "Can I see a trick?" she asks excitedly. I stare at her in shock. She looks at me innocently. "You've know how much I have wanted to be paranormal," she says.

I burst out laughing and my family looks at me in confusion. "I knew that, but I thought you were kidding!" I say still laughing. She rolls her eyes and smiles. My family is clearly in shock. I laugh at there priceless faces. Emmet recovers first and smiles before useing his strenght to lift up the couch we're sitting on.

"Show off," I mutter and smile at Katie's curious face. "Hey Emmet, when your done showing off we need to go get Katie's things," I tell him. He laughs and puts us down. "I'll take you. We'll get a U-Haul, pack, and go shopping!" Alice says excitedly. I smile widely. "Let's go!" I say pulling Katie off of the couch.

She laughs at us, but joins us. A few hours later we had everything packed and sent back to the house and we are on our way to the mall. Katie was protesting, but we just shushed her. We arrived not much later and hit every High-End store we could find. It was really fun, and it was closing time before we finally left.

We hauled all of our things to the car, and headed home. Kaite didn't even bother unpacking when we got home. She just went over to my bed and passed out. I stiffled my laugh and went to go change. I quickly took a shower and tucked Katie in before slipping into my own blissful dreams.

I'm running at the speed of light. I run until I reach a meadow. The same meadow Rose found me in. In the center of the medow stands my real mother. She's sparkeling in the sunlight with her eyes closed and head tilted up. Her soft voice reaches my ears. "You have came back I see," she says. I rush forward only to be pushed back.

I hesitantly hold my hand out and touch the invisable wall. "You must go, but I will see you again darling," she says. "Don't leave me again mommy," I say sadly. She smiles sadly. "It's okay darling," she tells me softly. I nod and she opens her eyes. The last thing I remeber before I wake is her blood red eyes.

I wake up screaming and Katie rolls off of the ground and hits the floor. Immidentently Edward is there scanning the room for danger. He relaxes a bit but races over to me when he sees the tears running down my cheeks. Katie gets up and crawls over to me and wraps her arms around me. "I saw my mother," I sob out. They look confused.

"Where?" He asks. "In my dream. She was a vampire," I say sobbing." Edwards eyes soften and he wraps his arms around me to. "It will be okay. It was just a dream," He says soothingly. I sob for a few more minutes before i'm to tired to keep my eyes in. I snuggle back under the covers into what I hope is a better dream.

The next few months blur together. We go to school. Girls give fake smiles and sympathy, and we ignore them. Iv'e grown closer to Katie these last few months. Pretty soon Halloween in just around the corner, and so is the Halloween Ball. Alice is non-stop ordering spree at the moment. I'm sitting on my bed with Mom, Alice, and Katie. We are figuring out what we wanna be.

"I wouldn't mind being a 18nth centurty woman," I say. Alice gets excited and everyone agrees with my idea. "Maybe we all should do that," Mom says. "We could make the boys dress up," I giggle and we all start laughing as we can here the audible groans down stairs. Alice springs up and quickly looks into the future to see the outcome.

"It turns out to be an amazing idea," she says. They guys groan again and Edward appears. "Do we have to?" he asks. Alice nods and he groans again before leaving. We all glance at eachother before laughing again. An hour later Alice had everything ordered, but she wouldn't tell us what it looks like because it was a surprise.

"Just a hint?" I ask. She shakes her head and I pout before sulking off to the couch to read for alittle bit. I pull out my book Heaven, and quickly get lost in it. I was so absorbed that I didn't notice Edward sitting by me. I glanced over at him. "Hey," I say. He smiles. "Hello," He responds. "Any idea what Alice is making us wear?" I ask.

He laughs and shakes his head. "Not a clue," he says. I pout again start reading again. "Feeding time," Emmet says. Katie comes in with a shocked expression on her face. "I would like to live thank you very much," she says covering her neck. Emmet started to laugh, but Mom flitted in and smacked him upside the face.

"He means dinner is ready for you guys," she says expasseratedly. I laugh on my way to the kitchen. Katie breaths a sigh of relief before sitting down to eat with me. Alice glids into the kitchen and smiles brightly. "There here!" she says. "How did you get them here in less than 5 hours?" Katie asks. Alice laughs.

"I have skills," she says crypticly before leaving. I roll my eyes and quickly finish my food. Some times Alice can be really weird. Don't get me wrong, shes awesome, but she's just weird sometimes. I wash the dishes and go back to the living room to see Edward in the spot I left him. I sit down and glance at him.

He's been acting really strange latly. He seems nervous around me sometimes. It takes all of my will not to laugh at though. How could me, a mere mortal, make Edward nervous. I just shrug it off and finish my book in blissful silence.

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