October 13th, 2013

12 0 2

Guys, I didn't post yesterday again.  Or the day before.  I have a decent excuse, or so I keep reminding myself.

You see, my computer stopped working on Friday, October 11th.  That means I couldn't update my journal.  No, it's still not working, I'm actually using my sister's computer to post this right now.

We're trying to reset the computer so that it goes back to default settings, which would get rid of the virus we believe is on my computer.  If it works, I'm back in business.  If it doesn't, it might be a while until I can continue, though I'll try to use any other computer I can find to continue updating you and continue my writing.

I haven't written a new chapter or a short story for a while, due to the same reason.

Thank you for being understanding.

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