I began something yesterday, that I call Level Up: The Experience. (Go to this URL, go into the description and clicking the first link you find there. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy-GDDW7AH4 )
Basically, you have six traits; Strength, Constitution, Dexterity, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma.
You then choose five or more activities you'd like to do on a weekly basis (whether one or seven times each week) and assign a certain number of points to each activity.
Each time you do one of those activities for an allotted time, chosen by you, you get each of those traits. Once you get enough traits higher, you level up.
This is a very good way to be held accountable to do certain activities, especially if you have a friend doing it to compete with.
I think this is a great and fun idea, and I will probably keep you updated on it.