I want to make videos.
It's something I've wanted to do for about eight months, which was when I first started watching Youtubers like the Vlogbrothers, Charlieissocoollike, Nerimon, Wheezywaiter and others. (I suggest watching all of them, they're hilarious.)
My problem is that I don't know what to make videos about. I've tried several times, but they're never interesting or they just aren't long enough. (I mean they'd be thirty seconds.) I really want to make videos, because it's one of my favorite things to do, but where to start?
I've been looking over the first videos of my favorite Youtubers, and they don't really talk about much of anything. What do people like to watch? What do people think is funny and entertaining?
I've been trying to think of personal experiences from my past that are embarrasing, because everyone loves laughing at other people's pain. Despite this, I can't think of many. I don't really have a funny past.
I don't believe I can or will ever give up this passion for film making, but I need a direction to go.