"It doesn't change anything. Does it?"

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Chapter 3

I looked around at the huge glossy posters on the white walls opposite me. It was the first time I'd ever been into a studio and I was kinda nervous to tell the truth. We went to see Justin's mom and her main priorities were to shout, shout and send Justin to see scooter. Of course I insisted I'd go home but I don't currently have a home, well keys to one anyway and calling my dad is last on my list of things to do so I'm stuck here while scooter 'sorts' Justin out.

Justin had been in the conference room with scooter, his mom and some other 'important' people for 20 minutes now and I could only begin to imagen of all the things that were being said about me, about how it was all my fault and all the trouble I had caused. But what worried me most was what Justin would agree to do? Would he come to his sense? Leave me and follow his career? Of course! It's the best thing to do. My mind went wild with all the excuses he could use and then it became clear that he would and I just can't take that. I couldn't take someone else showing me I'm not worth it. I'd rather leave and wonder than know for definate. I stood up nervously and grabbed my bag and turned to walk out.

"Cassie?" Justin asked shocked.

"I was er-" I began to babble.

"we've made a decision." he stated trying to hide his disapproval.

"I-" I began to talk but my words just wouldn't come out.

"we're gonna say we were on vacation."

"that's grea-" I began to smile.

"but I have to go on tour straight away." he sighed interrupting me.

"that's not tha-" I began again.

"and we have to break up in the media." justin said quietly.

"oh." I said as I felt the blood rush to my head. I felt dizzy.

"when?" I asked barely audibly.

"Tomorrow." he whispered then pulled me into a tight hug. "I'm sorry." he whispered into my ears.

"it doesn't change anything. Does it?" I hushed back.

"of course not". He soothed.

"so what about the tour? What do I do? Where do I go?" I said as I pulled out of the hug. Justin squeezed his face together like it was stinging for him to say what he had to say.

"I- you- well you- you can't come." he rushed out and then pulled me back.

"oh." I said shocked. I didn't know what to say, of course I was upset but I couldn't demand he disagreed, I'd already caused too much chaos in his career.

"it's only a month and then you come join me on the tour." Justin said squeezing me tighter.

"Justin?" Pattie asked nervously. We parted quickly and both looked at Justin's mom Pattie as she twiddled and loitered nervously.

"yeah?" justin asked suspiciously.

"this is Selena, she's the one that's on the tour with you." Pattie stated awkwardly as she looked at me worriedly. She was hiding something.

"hey Justin! I'll be your new "girlfriend" for the next month then!" Selena laughed as she put her fingers in quotation marks as she said 'girlfriend'.

"hey." Justin laughed awkwardly and the turned to look at me, cheeks flushed, eyes watering I didn't know what to say. So I did what I did best. Leave.

"I gotta go see my dad. I'll er get a cab. Nice meeting you Selena. See you soon Pattie, See you tomorrow Justin." I said quickly and turned to walk out.

Hating The Truth (Justin Bieber story) [loving the lie sequel]Where stories live. Discover now