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Chapter 9: Promise ❥

Song: Lucky by Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat


We stopped at this gazebo outside the venue.↓


¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

"Rose." He said. He looks so worried. I just starred at him.

"I'm sorry." He said. He did nothing wrong tho.

"For what?" I said then smiled, a fake one.

"I should've went with you when you were finding Tori(omf this reminded me of finding dori! I can't 😂😂) and because of that-"

"Mario you did nothing wrong. Actually you made it better." I smiled. He really did.

"I have something for you." Omf he didn't have to. He got something out of his pocket and held my hand.

"Emily can we make a friendship promise?" His smile was so wide. But-

"Of course." I'll give him a chance.

"I promise to make you happy, to be there to listen to your problems, to help you with your goals, and basically be with you forever." He then puts the ring on my finger.

"I promise to tell you everything, to help you with your own problems, to make you happy even if I'm a sad person, and to basically be with you forever as well." Then I put the ring on his finger.

Picture of the rings ↓

I hugged him and he hugged back

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

I hugged him and he hugged back. I love him as a.... I don't really know.


She she ran away with my own best friend. I fvcked up really bad.

I hate myself.....

I should've known......

I lost her.......


Rn I'm walking outside.

I saw a gazebo.

And I saw.


"-be with you forever as well." Fvck. Are they together?! Wtf. How.



That should've been me.

I just continued walking till I came across a girl. She was so beautiful. She was alone sitting on the road on 11:43 pm. Wtf.

"Excuse me!" She didn't notice me she had ear plugs on and eyes closed. I saw a car. I tapped her shoulder. She finally noticed me.

"What?" Was all she said. I pointed at the car infront of us... Wait wtf. I stood her up and pulled her.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?!" Why she was so beautiful.

"I don't care." Wtf is she crazy? She then went to the road and sat again.

"Hey!!!! I'll walk you home." She was just staring at me.

"Fine." What is her problem?

She just walked to her house and I was just behind her not knowing where her house is.

What a coincidence it was across my house.

We were infront of her house and when she got inside she didn't said a thing but just slammed the door at my face!

"What the f-" I give up. since our houses was just across each other I finally went home.


I'm finally about to go to sleep, but I can't stop thinking about that girl.

I'll try to ask her name tomorrow.

Then I finally fell asleep.

The next day-

No school.

I stalked my friends and especially Emily and Mario.

Then I remembered I need to ask the girl across the street for her name.

I went across the street and knocked on the door and saw her, her beautiful face.

"Who are you?" She doesn't know me well I'm not That popular so...

"I'm Weston." I smiled. On the look if her face it looked like she didn't had plan to tell me her name. "What about you?" I asked.




Im weird omf halp
Sooo I'm very sorry
For this short chapter.
This only had 580+ words
And its night here and Imma
Sleep I'm sorry for errors
The song doesn't fit this
I'm sorry :((
- ♡

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