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In the wild lands of the Summer set Isles princess Zenosha Elsinus is with her secret lover a nord by the name Korir the Fearless. For a High elf to be with any other race is forbidden in the Summerset Isles let alone the princess herself to commit treason against the laws of her province would be near unacceptable. The two knew the time would come where they could no longer hide their secret and they were right only 4 months later was it revealed that the princess was to bare a child.

  The king furious with rage for this unknown happening demanded that his daughter tell him who the child's father was, but the princess refused to say a word. The king then kicked things into overdrive putting his daughter under lock and key and doubling the guards outside her door. Yet Korir did not buckle against the Kings attempts. He would sneak into the princess' chamber late at night when the guards would change shifts giving him a 30 minute window to see Zenosha.

  Yet the king did not know that the child  would be of two races he assumed that the child would be a pure blooded elf. When the baby was born the king could not believe his eyes when he saw the baby. It's ears resembled an elves, but his eyes and skin tone did not. His eyes were not big and narrow, but small and wide. His skin tone as pale as the snow and his hair a silk black. "A NORD, THIS ENTIRE TIME YOU HAVE HELD A BABY IN YOUR WOMB THAT IS FORBIDDEN IN OUR LANDS HOW COULD YOU DO THIS" the king roared in rage.

"For my heart would not deceive me father I made this decision and that is that" Zenosha said as she held her new born in her arms. The king looked at his soldiers and a sinister look came over his face. "Bring me Korir the Fearless now and I want him alive" the king said as his men left. When they came back the had Korir in binds ready for judgement. When Korir saw the child in Zenosha's arms a tear fell down his cheek. The king took that as acknowledgement and went to go grab his personal sword.

"So you have violated the supreme laws of the Altmer the price is death" the king said as the soldiers force Korir to his knees. Korir looked at Zenosha and then back at the king for he knew what was to come next. "Any final requests or words you would wish to speak do so now" the king said. "Name him Saulian my love and tell him of his heritage and tell him that I will always love him even in death the same goes to you my love" Korir said as Zenosha turned away for she could not bare to witness.

  And with a single swing so swift and precise the king executed Korir right there in his daughters chambers. "If you weren't my daughter this would have been your fate and if the child were not of my blood the same would have been consider yourself blessed" the king said as he left the room. Zenosha could only feel one emotion and it was grief and after that day she never forgave her father for what he did.

  In the years to come Saulian was to be trained as a high guardian of the kingdom. When Saulian was 8 years old his training began, he was put through the most extensive and most horrible of hardships to become a guardian. When Saulian was 20 years old his mother told him of what happened to his father. Saulian could not believe his mothers word for he respected the king far too much.

  Yet Saulian went to ask the king of these claims and what he was given as a response was unbelievable. "Yes I executed your father right here in this very castle for he committed the ultimate crime" the king said. "The ultimate crime is to create new life I don't see the harm or reason behind this my king" Saulian said. "Of course you don't you are a mere boy and would not understand that the conjoining of an elf and a Nord is forbidden by our ancestors" the king said.

  Saulian was engulfed by rage, but for he was a guardian he could not disrespect or disobey the king. "I see my king thank you for giving me clarity" Saulian said as he left the throne room. He headed straight for the sparing arena, as he fought with his fellow guardians he fought more furiously than he ever had done in his life.

  Afterward he went to his mother and spoke to here of his feelings. "Mother I don't know what I am feeling at the moment it's just to much for me to handle I feel as if I'm lost I have been taking orders and fighting for the man who killed my father" Saulian said. "I know what you are feeling for I felt it myself the day you were born I think you need to visit your other home land" Zenosha said. "You mean Skyrim, but they would not except me there at least not as much as I am excepted here" Saulian said.

  "Listen to me you need to clear your mind and get out of this old town for you are an Altmer, but you are also a Nord" Zenosha said. Saulian took his mothers words into consideration and made his verdict. "Very well then mother I will live the rest of my childhood in Skyrim, but after that I will return for I do not wish to leave you alone here for more than 80 years" Saulian said as he went to prepare for his journey.

  And so Saulian has spent his 80 years in Skyrim and understood what it meant to be a Nord, but also what it meant to be a halfbreed. Saulian was going to depart with the Thalmor "agents of the Summerset Isle sent to Skyrim to keep everything under surveillance, but two days before his departure the incident happened.

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