The Thalmor Embassy

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Saulian awoke the next day, Muriel fast asleep next to him. Saulian got dressed and prepped for a day on the road. Muriel was waken by the sound of Saulian's weapons clanging together. "So now you are just going to leave" Muriel asked. "I told you that I wasn't perfect and now I need to leave its not you trust me on this one and besides the fact if we would have stayed together I would have watched you die" Saulian said.

  "I understand that you don't want to get to close to anyone, but you can't keep your emotions shielded it's just not good for you" Muriel said. Saulian looked at the ground and then back up at Muriel he couldn't help, but think about how life could be if he settled down.

  "I'm sorry Muriel I'll see you in another life" Saulian said as he walked out the door. Saulian didn't even say goodbye to to Jarl Ellina he just left for the only place that could give him transportation home. The Thalmor Embassy which was under the control of the Summerset Isles.

Saulian didn't like having to talk or ask them for help since they were the most despicable high elves to exist. They were murders, tortures, spy's, and have no disregard for the well being of anyone who isn't an Altmer. They were the reason why high elves got a bad reputation in Skyrim.

Yet despite all of those things Saulian needed them for the transport or well the only transport that would take him directly to his kingdom. As Saulian made his way up the mountain to the embassy he couldn't help, but notice the shrine of Meridia standing tall in the distance.

  It was almost calling him to come forth, but Saulian knew better than to meddle with the Daedric Princes. So he continued forward, but then he heard it the voice. "You dare to ignore me I am a Daedric Prince and I will not be ignored" said the voice. Saulian had fallen to his knees buckling under the immense power that was being forced on him.

  "Get.... Out....NOOOOWWWWW" Saulian said as a surge of magic exploded from within him. "Now that's power right there you managed to drive me out" said the voice again, but this time without the pain. "Who are you" Saulian asked. "I think you know the answer to that already now don't you Saulian Elsinus son of Korir the Fearless and Zenosha Elsinus" Meridia said.

  "How do you know who I am better yet my entire family for that matter" Saulian asked. "What did you think I would not take interest in the prince of the Isles" Meridia said.  "Why are we even talking right now" Saulian asked with an enraged tone. "Now you're  asking the good questions Saulian, first don't go to the Embassy let's say something is going to happen if you do and second when it happens since I know you are going to ignore my warning come back to my shrine" Meridia said and just like that the conversation was over.

  Yet Saulian couldn't help, but heed her warning even if he wanted to ignore it. Even with this warning Saulian continued on the path to the Embassy which was only a fortnights walk away. When Saulian arrived there were Nord officials waiting outside the gate and when they saw Saulian they started to murmur.

  "You there are you not a elf" one asked. "Yes I am and before you ask I am also a Nord so if we could get the racism out of the way I would appreciate it" Saulian said. The Nords looked at him in surprise as he continued to walk past them and into the embassy.

As Saulian walked inside and saw the two buildings of the Embassy. The one on the left was mainly for social gathering that Elenwen "the head of the embassy" would hold to keep up to date with all the most important people in Skyrim. Then to the right was the true reason for why the embassy was in Skyrim. Even though Saulian hated to admit it that was were the embassy tortured, keep discriminating information, and were Saulian had to go if he was gonna get transportation.

As Saulian walked towards the second building he heard a noise that he quite couldn't explain it was like a ritual type chant. And as he got closer to the building it got louder. When Saulian could finally hear it clearly he realized it was an old elvish spell of the dark magic variety. "Run now" Saulian yelled as he turned around, but it was to late since right in that instance where the officials were standing was now nothing more than smoldering ash.

Only one of them survived and didn't take any chances since he got on his horse and left, but not before yelling proclamations of war. "Well it seems like that worked it's time to tell your grandfather that they have declared war" said Elenwen as she came walking towards Saulian. "You did that" Saulian asked.

"What did you think it's been a while since I used black magic" Elenwen said. "Why would you do that to those Nords" Saulian asked with rage building up. "Because your grandfather asked me to do anything I could to win these lands" Elenwen said with a sinister tone.

Saulian couldn't believe his ear as they feed him Elenwen's words and then out of nowhere Saulian found himself with his sword and axe drawn, but also found twenty Thalmor guards surrounding him. "You may be royalty, but if I have to I will order you to be killed" Elenwen said.

"These are all the guards you brought for that execution order ha your gonna need a lot more" Saulian said as he charged one of the guards.

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