5; Stumbling Into DMs

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heads up: emojis aren't all compatible so I'm using things like ";)" ":')" "xD" or ":-)" etc. Sorry it's kinda lame, but I'm doing what I can!
Also, I've changed the book they're studying to better fit my knowledge, for those of you that read this before.

That night, we decided on The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.

I would like to say that I texted Nick when I got home, but in reality, it took me a long time to muster up enough courage to add the number he gave me to my contacts. I finally sent him a message around 9 o'clock, after hours of internal debating. 

'Hey, it's Alex from English and I hope I have the right number xD'. Oh, how smooth of me. And not to mention the fact that I had hoped I had gotten the wrong number: it would save me a lot of time and, likely, embarrassment.

But of course, only two minutes later I received a message from that same number. 'Oh, hey Alex and yeah you do have the right number, it's Nick :-)'

I didn't know what to say, so I decided that not saying anything would be the best response. Probably not the smartest thing I've ever done, but the conversation already had started on a surprisingly awkward note. I didn't want to worsen it, make Nick think I'm a total loser if he didn't already. However, it seemed that Nick had something else in mind because not even a minute after I set it on my nightstand, my phone buzzed.

'So what book would you rather read? Da Vinci Code or Of Mice and Men?'

I took a few minutes to think of which I would prefer, and whether or not I should incorporate some sort of joke into my response. Then, I realized just how stupid I was being. 'I mean, Da Vinci Code is something like 500 pages and I've seen the movie already, it was decent but I've heard the book is a lot better. Of Mice and Men is really short and sounds pretty interesting. It's also pretty controversial, which could be cool I guess'

'Sounds like you prefer Of Mice and Men, and that's cool but isn't it too short to be working on all semester? that's just my thought.'

In that moment, I realized that he was totally right. I tried to find a good response, until Nick sent another message:

'Honestly I don't want to read something too short or too long for a project, maybe on my own but even then I'm not 100% sure. Do you enjoy reading enough to take on a 400+ page book??'

'Didn't you say you've already read it? though' I let my thumb hover over the 'send' button for a moment. Why was this so hard for me? Before I could chicken out, I sent the message.

I spent what had felt like hours waiting for a response, the suspense consuming my thoughts. I couldn't understand why everything was such a big deal, it just was. My thoughts were clouded by God only knows what as my mind raced. But after an eternity that lasted a grand total of 45 minutes, I got a response.

'Haven't read it yet but I've always wanted to, so I'm cool with that'

An odd sense of relief washed over me along with a tinge of disappointment. I couldn't tell whether the latter was in myself or in the answer I had gotten. Knowing myself, it was probably a bit of both.

'Awesome!' I typed and sent quickly. Then, I wondered if that looked too enthusiastic or happy; would he think I was weird? I was sure he already did, but what if this was the final nail in the coffin? Besides, from what I was reading he didn't seem all to eager to talk to me. And what I was sending? My messages had weird and awkward written all over them, despite how nonchalant and smooth I was trying to be. I felt disappointed in myself, almost ashamed, knowing I was very chalant about it all, and more than confident that he could see it too.

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