Teenage Lovers--->Chapter 2

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Hi ppl this chapters gonna be a litle short,not the 2-3 pages i normally do k.sorry its just skool holidays r nearly over and im bck on monday so my chapters will now be out like every so often im sorry if its borring lol i would love if u commented,u know even if its constructive critism .

----------------------------Chapter 2---------------------------

keira-ann's thoughts-So this was really it .i really was going,but 4 some strange reason a part of me was happy u know,i mean if i really did go their wouldbe NO:






*Rapisist's(yes i had bin raped n thats another part of the storry u'll here about later : (. )

It was a Thursday around 11:30 a.m ,the mover guys were here with their huge long trucks ,lifting them not even bothered about wat was in them or how they handled them wen the box clearly said (Handle with care).

i had already said goodbye 2 my 3 closest friends,Kamara,Bianca and Layla.

They had come 2 mine at like 5 in the mornin 2 help me pack now they were gone ,so was my stuff and now here i am walking 2 my dad's car.

The moving guys already had direction's n since they were big trucks they had privillages they took a short cut because they were blocking too much traffic on the motre ways.

My mum was already at the house,i guess gettin thing ready,so it was just me n my dad i just had too break the silence wether mean or nice.

me-'I hate u' (i say wondering wu said that bcus it sure as hell didnt sound like me.)

Dad-'Keira-ann u know i love u and do wats best for u .(their he goes again i hated ppl saying my name in full especially my dad ughh)

Me-'This hardly seems like love,and yeah ur doing the best for me arn't u,moving from the one place i settled in just so u could have ur dream job seeing us every 6 months yep thats love dad.'

(i couldnt seem 2 control me emotions let alone my mouth seeing as my dad didnt reply too my hurtfull speech i remained silent 4 the rest of the journey.)

2 and a 1/2 hours later :

me-'Im hungry James ' (James was my dads name,i always said that wen we fell out )

James-silence (nothing he just looked back at the mirror thingy and continued driving i guess i deserved that.)

A next half an hour went by and we pulled up to a drive through Mc donauld's yayyy cusz my belly was tlking 2 me .

'Hi welcome to MC Donauld's may i take ur order'(some lady said through the speakers my dad ordered first and wen he finished he looked back at me signallin wat ya want .

Me-'ummm can i have a big mac meal large with a milkshake and small sprite ' (my dad turned bck to the speaker thingy 2 say wat i said but the lady was liek "its ok sir i hurd that would be a big mac large,milkshake and a small sprite."

lol i said in my head,wat i was hungry i had breakfast at like 6 a.m n it was now like 2 p.m das a long tym dnt u think.

i began eating my food n inbetween my burger bite i apolagised to my dad n he forgave me.we started tlking as normal again bcusz i was a dady's girl and i was an only child.

an hour later i played my psp yep i had gotten the blue one uh the blue ones sxy blud.

we eventually pulled up to a house ....no wait a frickin manshion and what came too my surprise was that it had big guard gates and two men on the inside lol.(i couldnt think of a name 2 say were i was so i made up one lol it's called south Bridge.)

it wasnt in the country side but a little far away from the shopping centre's or mall as u guys woul call it.

The big gates opened.

and my dad drove through he didnt have too give a code because the two men seemed to know wu he was.

The big trucks were already their and was almost empty.wow

The house was a white with black posh doors to enter i opened the cr door n ran 4 my life ,i shoved the doors apart n almost lost my breath.The hall way was like a fricken ball room,their were stairs on the left and right hand side.which made me confused wether i should go to the left one or the right one i mean either way i was getting to the same destination i chose right and ran up them now the hall ways were long u could either go left and straight down,right and straid down,or forward and then their would be aleft and way again i was confused boy.

I soon enough found my room's yes i said rooms i had two seeing as the manshion had 23 rooms.

i would get to decorate them both with watever i wanted i couldnt wait its not every day u start a new life in a big manshion lol

Well thats about it thats chapter 2.

in chapter 3 keira starts at her new school ,which is mixed boys and girl and no its not a private school she ends up being the new popular girl wu everyone wants to be friends with,she also meet a boy.

next chapter out tomorrow promise.

pls comment i need to know if i should carry on writting cus wu waants to write a story for no one 2 read u get me so pls vote aswell.even if the comments hi just let me know ur there lol

peace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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