Teenage Lovers--->Chapter 4

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Sorry for the wait guys ...im such a bitch init.

lol im so sorry i have been so caught up in my life n helpin a friend deal with something so emotional .

U wouldnt even understand how bad the situation was ...

but im bck now sitting on my bed bored n just remembered i have a story 2 write so here we go guys.

oh and thx for the votes and comments and tips to make my story just that bit more better.

Oh soz again lol.this chapta is jus gonna be in keira's view n thought so u knoe her intentions and thoughts ...i also descibe a boy she meets but probably hates his guts uh oh .

OK OK go on i'll leave u 2 read

Comment,n vote.

xxxxxxlove u guys lol if there is any one out their.lolxxxxxx

ok sorry im gettin on ur nerves now lol

Here it is Enjoy.sorry if u think it sucks : (

---------------------Teenage Lovers-----------------------

~~~~~Chapter Four~~~~~

I had just found the main office n had gotten my time table and locker combination.

Jus knowing the bell was gonna go any minute made me feel frightened.

And well pretty much vulnerable ...I was never bullied at my school it was kind of the other way round.

Don't get me wrong though ,i only did that when sum1 deserved it ,i was well known,clever ...verry clever ,and a role model which was pretty hard too mentain wen u had haters wantin a piece of u.

And having to handle the situation responsibly by day and getting even by night made evry one think i was not that kind of girl so yh

I had entered one of the main hallways that had different coloured lockers...well i guess u could decorate to show u that was pretty cool i thought...i never had lockers at my old school.

I was just deep in thought and walking when ............................................................Bammmm.

I was so pissed i just started cursin for the sake of the situation

'Dam man watch were ur flippin goin,u waist cadet,wid ur fucked up shoes(wen really dey were hard...dey were air forces wid neon green and black to go wid his school outfit.

dey looked sxy and fresh and seeing as i had bent down picking up my bag and pens that roled out ...i had totaly assumed this was sum nex random person )

----Back to cussin a prick---

....yh jus stand dere init its kool oh and u dnt have too say sorry fuckhead ur so important to the W--OO-RRR-LLLL-DDDDD-

I had said the last word very slowly wen taking a look at this boy.

My eyes began to wonder just to see wat this guy was all about.

He had totally re-designed his shool uniform...we both had something in common boi lol

U could see the kind of boi he was... u know the ones that say badboi badboi danger danger stay away mayjor heartbreak approaching.

N for sum reason i was always attracted to bad boys (just like alexandra burke bad boys lol )

His head was low cutt not like keirons with cainrows just normal.

it had sharp egdes were his side burns were growin.

I think there was a design on the bck but i couldnt see it .i assumed it looked sxy any ways

He was wearing his black school trousers down low init wow and had a big diamond on his left ear.

He had a silver chain that hung out of his shirt and over his jumper for everyone to see.

he was tall but not lanky lol.

bye now we where just stareing at each other with my mouth slightly open n his givin me sum look that i could tell he had used alot.

I decided to speak b4 i looked like a dummy,but that was probably done seeing as we were looking at eachother for atleast a minute but felt like 10 minz.Kids were passing by and giving us glances...

I kissed my teeth at him ,picked up the remainding 2 pens n walked off to my orriginal destination.

My locker .

Ughhh i cnt believe it i was pissed mad pissed that he couldnt look were he was goin.

pissed that there was no apology.

And pissed Bcusz i wanted to see him again his eyes had so much mysteries.

u could tell he also had anger problems ...just like keiron.speaking of keiron i wonder how he was doin.

he was probably enjoyin like and sexin some nex random chick

I put those thoughts out of my head and foccused on my locker again.

It was black hmmmm black was ok for me but still so dull n borin.-Note to self find out how i can change my locker.

I opend it anyways and put my bag inside.

seeing as it was my first day ...apparently u didnt have to do anything,just watch and observe the classes.i guess the did this with every new pupil.

The very high pitched bell went, and the hallway was deserted b4 i new it i quickly rushed to form class.(by the way thats just were u go first to hang and get registered for 15 minz b4 heading of 2 class)

Room...S9...S10...S10B...S11...S12 ahh here we go i was th elast to enter but no one had settled down so not much ppl noticed my entrance.

Their was a man at the desk sortin out some papers so i went to him....and he told me welcome how r u yah dee yah dee yaaa dah.

and told me to find a seat.

i look around and found a seat like right next to a window but the other seat was empty and every one was wachin me like i did something wrong..

That was their problem i guess

2 minutes in .....and the door creaked open.all the girls started smiling i heard one girl go

'Omg he's here,shanice hows ma hair ok good hows my boobs do u think their big ennuf.

WOWWW was all i could say...well in my head any ways ; 0

i couldnt see wu he was n i were'nt bothered he couldnt be all that ryt.

i guess i was wrong.

He was all That he just happend to be the bad boi fuckhead dat bumped into me.

i was pissed i screwd him dirty trust me i gave him the dirtiest look ever ...if looks could kill sum 1 woul have to dial 999 quick tym.

Sorry guys thats about all i have time for at the mo...

Next chapter out friday promise.

dnt worry.

the next chapter will have a few fights ...bitches, etc

....so stay tuned...

I really hope u liked it

If not please telll me wat u think i could improve on

Im just a lame ameutur trying to write a story.

: (





Peace out

Densziie Bbsz aka Denique MMMMWAAAAA(KISSES LOL)

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