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Well, my cousin Adam came over yesterday. He played never have I ever with me and Sammy. Sam kept being weird though... I have no clue why. Then when we were done, Adam went to the guest room. Then Sam came up to me and was like:

"So... Your friends with Cas, right?"

So I said, "yeah"

And he looked really sad or something for some reason and he was asked me:

"Do you like him?"

So I said, "yeah, hes my friend"

And then he sighed and went:

"Do you like-like Cas? I won't judge"

So I laughed really loud and then I said I liked girls and then I went to bed. I had a dream that me and Cas were roller skating again, and a really romantic song came on. It sounded really familiar, so it must have been old. And instead of kissing me on the cheek, Cas kissed me on the lips. And I kissed back.








But it was just a dream, and dreams aren't real. Im not gay, obviously. Boobies are pretty cool. But Cas is really really REALLY cool.

Adam left this morning, and now Im alone with Sammy since dad is at work. I really hope that Sam doesn't start asking me stuff again. Oh crap, I hear him coming over to my room. I HAVE TO HIDE THIS. HE CAN'T KNOW ABOUT IT.

Dean Winchester's Middle School Diary Where stories live. Discover now