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Well, it is officially 2:30 am. Sleep has yet to greet me. I was watching old Onision videos on YouTube for like an hour, and then I looked at my movie collection. Its nothing much, just things that I used to like.

There were a few Star Wars movies, but Im more into Star Trek now. Also, most of the Avengers movies. Not the most recent ones though... I stopped getting movies when dad changed jobs. That was like 2 or 3 years ago. Tron, the newer one, was in there, but I hardly even remember watching it. And there were a few more too.

But there, on the top of all the others, was the movie version of Les Misérables. I don't know why I love that play so much, I am not that into plays. I used to be really obsessed with it... Only Sammy knows.

I am pretty sure I can sing (badly) all of the songs from it.

Hi, Im Dean, and Im not gay.

I want to call Cas right now, but its really late/early. BUT I am for-sure calling him tomorrow. That is the day.

Im not ready for that.

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