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Wow. That was some crazy crap. Once we got to the amusement park, called Adventure Land, Cas smiled really big and it was so adorable. So apparently, Cas has never ridden a rollercoaster before! Naturally, I suggested the biggest one in the park. I couldn't keep him away from the burgers though, I even told him that he would probably throw up.

Well, I was right. After the whole thing, he was so scared. He kept hugging and I was freaking out inside. But then, he looked up at me and said my name, before running to a trash can. He puked. I felt super bad for him. And it sucked because we couldn't ride any more rides. Or eat more food. Or kiss. Ugh.

We spent most of our time by the games talking and stuff. So I guess he has a lot of friend drama. He recommended a ton of new you-tubers for me to watch. We are like so perfect for each other. I even invited him to watch movies at my house sometime in the future. All in all, it was an okay first date. But I loved it.

Omg uggghhhhh, Im so disappointed right now! Like seriously? Thats all? Wow Dean, way to screw things up. Well, thats all for now apparently.

-Sam W.

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