4. Useless Memories

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Harry's POV

I put Maylea in her bed before going inside my office. It's been one day since Noelle left, but it seems like months. We didn't exactly get a divorce, I don't know why but the fact that we didn't is hope for me to believe she will come back through those doors with all of her stuff and kiss the hell out of me. We will be a happy family again.

As I am visualizing it, a small smile makes its way onto my face and my heart clenched at the idea. The smile is still attached to my lips as I begin looking through my mail. One mail catches me eye. It's a medium small box hiding under some papers.

To Harry Styles from Noelle Styles

Again my heart tugs at the sight of her name and I begin opening it. Soon my smile is immediately replaced with a frown as I see papers inside of it. I take the papers out to read it when something falls to the ground. I put the papers down to pick the object up and it feels like my heart is breaking all over again.
In my hand, I hold the one thing that is the most important to me. She promised never to take it off no matter what happens.

The sliver necklace shaped like a paper airplane. I gave it to her on our one year anniversary as a couple.

*flash back*

"I got you something love, turn around" I say. I put the sliver chain around her neck and clasped it.

"Side by side or miles apart, I'll never let you fall and break your heart. With this necklace promise me, you'll always remember, the sky's the limit but that's a lie, you do you and don't forget to fly." I whisper the poem I wrote into her ear softly.
"Harry, words cannot explain how much I love you" She cries into my chest.
"I love you Noelle" I hug her.

The memory fades to black as I stare at the necklace in my hand. I then pick up the papers and see there's writing in it.

"Harry, I know you told me never to take this necklace off but I did it anyways. It hurt me so much. Even though it's a lovely reminder of you and our 1 year anniversary, It also comes with the reminder of feeling trapped and I'm still trying to get away from that. This situation is never of you. I love you and Maylea with all my heart. Take care, xx

I take the necklace and look at it one more time before throwing it across the room shattering the picture on the wall.

I groan in frustration as I go to pick up the now broken picture. The picture that broke was of me and Noelle on our wedding day. It was an off guard picture of us just staring at each other with nothing but love and happiness in our eyes. You can tell we were in love by looking at our features.

Looking at the picture makes me sneer in disgust before dropping it and going to my secret cabinet, taking our my bottle of Vodka. I chug down the clear liquid making sure to feel the burning sensation of it going down my throat.

Right now, I don't care about my actions or consequences. All I care about is getting Noelle and the pain she brought out of my system.

Maylea's POV

I hear something crash that wakes me up. I get out of bed quietly and go into the dark hallway. I look left and right, then roll to the other wall feeling like a cool secret agent spy. You know, like the ones in those cool movies. I move towards the room that I think the crash came from and see a shadow rummaging around before stopping near the door.

Until Death Do Us Apart (Larry Stylinson) ++MAJOR EDITING++Where stories live. Discover now