11. Meet the Tomlinsons

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Harry's POV

I walk into my lonely, dark house. The scenes of earlier replaying in my head.

"Jesus Christ Louis, it's like I don't know you anymore."
"Then leave."
"To make things right"
"I don't forgive you."

It's like a nightmare. We never used to fight like this. I didn't want to leave Louis. I stayed outside for 20 minutes, listening to him cry. I sat there on the other side of the door crying myself for making him this way. I never wanted this for both of us.

When I saw him, I remembered. And that's what scared me. I remembered all of it. The hugs, the kisses, the touches, the secrets. I remembered it all. Maybe that's why, I said I didn't know him anymore, but in reality I do. I know him more than he knows himself. Even now. I can tell just by looking at him, he isn't in a great place. Those last seven years were a bitch to him and I come in making it even worse.

I start walking down the hall to my study when I see the pictures on my wall. There were some of me and Noelle, like on our wedding day, and some of me and the boys, some of me and Steph, but what really caught my attention was this picture of Louis and I. I remember that day perfectly, despite my Amnesia. It was a picture of us laughing really hard at something and then we planned on meeting Louis parents.


"Okay okay" I say trying to catch my breath still chuckling.
"On the more serious note, let's talk about meeting your parents" I tell Louis. We never really talked about this. It was like an invisible line I couldn't cross, until now of course.

Louis face became stoic. He really hated talking about them.
"What about them" he says aggressively, but I'm used to it. I know how to handle it.

"I want to meet them" I tell him. He laughs in my face. Not a genuine laugh, but a forced, sadistic laugh.
"No. I- I can't. I don't ever plan on seeing them again" Louis says. The look of hurt coating in his eyes.

"Lou...they probably miss you." I start out slowly, hoping not to make this worse. "You're their son, they love you."

The moment the word love leaves my lips he snaps, his anger fully coming out. "The thing about love is that it's pointless, especially when it comes to them Harry. I've told you this before but yet you still try and it's growing quite annoying."

I flinch back at what he said. It usually would never be this bad when I bring up his parents. Maybe a remark or two, but he would never full on snap at me.

"Alright fine, I'll stop asking" I say just above a whisper.

"Good" is all he says before storming off. I'm the one to not cry for little things, but I can't help when a tear runs down my cheek. Thankfully, it was only one. I don't need to have a full breakdown before going out there. We have band rehearsal in 40 minutes and I won't let anyone see me cry. It's dumb, but it gets me by.

I walk into rehearsal and I see Louis laughing with Niall like he didn't yell at me 30 minutes before. He glances my way and turns back to Niall. I don't mind though. He thinks it's going to hurt me? Well, I didn't spend 35 minutes giving myself a lecture on not being weak.
He glances my way yet again and I give him a firm head nod, then I look away.

After band rehearsal, I leave the studio and I'm not surprised when Louis doesn't follow. I'm glad he didn't follow me. I don't know what to say to him.
I hop in my car and drive to Doncaster. I'm meeting the Tomlinsons one way or another.

Until Death Do Us Apart (Larry Stylinson) ++MAJOR EDITING++Where stories live. Discover now