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"Beep!, Beep!, Beep!, Beep!" My alarm clock rang. "Uggh, 5 more minutes." I pleaded. Suddenly my door barged open, I jumped up with goose bumps racing down my spine. "Mornin' sleepy head." It was just my brother Austin. "You scared the living daylights out of me!" I yelled as I chucked a pillow at his face. "Oww! I was just trying to wake you up, jerk! Mom made waffles and bacon, you better hurry up before I eat yours." Austin said, running out of my room. I leaped out of my bed and ran down the stairs, only about 4 steps behind Austin. We were both at the bottom of the stairs, and that's when I found an old cowboy boot and threw it at Austin's feet. He started to fall, but was saved by our couch. I raced towards the kitchen and grabbed my waffles and bacon and ran back up the stairs to my room. "Thanks mom!!" I yelled before shutting and locking my door. "Welcome sweetie!" she yelled back. After I finished my breakfast I went into my closet and threw on some clothes for school. I put on a navy blue shirt with white
lettering that said "Go Away", a pair of jeans, and my white converse. I went down stairs to put my plate and fork from breakfast in the dishwasher, when one of my best friends Dakota walked into the house. "So, that new key I gave you seems to be working pretty well." I said laughing. "Yep, let's just hope nobody copies it and breaks into your house." Dakota said with a frightened look on her face. "That's why you don't tell anyone you have a key to my house, dummy." I said. "Oh...right!" Dakota and I both doubled over laughing. "Your breath stinks dude, ever heard of mouth wash?!" I said covering my nose. "I knew I wouldn't make it here in time so I didn't brush my teeth or my hair." She explained. That's when I noticed the horrible bed head she had. "You should of brought your toothbrush and hairbrush with you!" I said as I began walking up the stairs. "I did." Dakota said as she pulled her toothbrush out of her backpack. I couldn't help but laugh at how much of a dork my best friend was. We walked into the upstairs bathroom and began brushing our teeth and hair as we jammed out to "Today's Hits" on Pandora. After our jamming session, we finally headed out school, as we walked out the door I threw on my letterman jacket. I only lived about 4 blocks away from my high school so I just walked to school unless we had bad weather. On the way, Dakota and I stopped by Noah's house, he was my other best friend and then we would all just walk to school together. We had all been friends since about 3rd grade when we were all put in the same class together. We were pretty much walking nightmares for our 3rd grade teacher. Since then, we had all been best friends and hung out with each other constantly. Now it's our sophomore year of high school and our friendship is still going strong. "Have y'all heard about the party that's happening this Saturday?" Noah asked. "No..what party?" I said. "Just some party that the football team is throwing, Ricardo invited me and said to bring some friends along. Y'all wanna come?" Noah asked as we entered the high school. "Yea, I guess, I need something to relax me from this prison that we go to school in." I answered. "Count me in." Dakota said eagerly. We separated and went to our home room class. The school day was a blur and everyone was buzzing about the party tomorrow.
It was the night of the party and just about everyone was already drunk. I have been to one of these types of parties before and knew to bring my own drinks. Those irresponsible football players loved to spike the drinks with alcohol. I mostly hung out with Dakota and Noah at the party but we would sometimes get separated when some friends from school came to talk to them or me. At the party Dakota got separated from Noah and I so it was just me and him. We were talking about school and how we were doing and blah, blah, blah. As we were talking Dakota finally came back after talking to her friends and told us about how a girl was threatening to fight her. All I could think was "wow" I started to laugh because clearly they didn't know I was Dakota's best friend. "Why would they want to fight you, don't they know I'm your best friend?" I asked while I was laughing. "As I was talking to Charlotte from Chemistry class, a girl from Leyla Ross' little clique came up to me and wanted to fight." Dakota explained. "Was she drunk?" I asked. "No, I don't think so. She was just saying she wanted to fight cause I talked to her boyfriend." Dakota said. "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard." I said with a disgusted look on my face. "The only reason I talked to her boyfriend was because we are partners for the Art project in Mrs. Mitchell's class." "Let's go, this girl needs to be put in her place." I said grabbing Dakota's arm. Next thing I know, Noah grabs me. "Naomi don't, that is only gonna stir up things with Leyla and the rest of her clique. You mess with one of them, you mess with all of them." Noah said. "Same goes for me and Dakota, someone messes with her, they mess with me." I said with a determined look. "I know you're trying to help me Naomi, but if she's trying to fight, let me take her. She'll go down in a swift kick. It's not like she will actually do anything, she is just another one of Leyla's little minions." Dakota said. "You're right, you're right, but if any of her other friends jump in on you, I got your back." I said, giving Dakota a smirk.

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