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"Beep!, Beep!, Beep!" "There goes that dumb alarm again." I say to myself while groaning. I hear a knock on my window and quickly turn my head only to see Noah out in the pouring rain standing on my balcony. It was one of those balconies that you have to climb out of your window to get on, I would usually get on it to look at the stars and just get away from life sometimes. Now it was being used to let Noah stand on while he was out in the pouring rain. I walked over to my window and unlocked the latch to let Noah in. "You know we have a front door, right?" I said as I grabbed a towel from the hallway closet. "Yea, but where is the fun in that?" He said as he received his towel. "How'd you even get to my balcony anyway, are you like Spider-Man or something?" I asked. "Do you not remember that you have a rope ladder hanging off the side of your balcony for when you sneak out?" Noah asked. "Oh right, I'm dumb." I said as I smacked myself in the head. "Hey, can I change here? I brought some clothes cause I knew I would be soaked after walking over here." He said as he pulled some clothes out of his backpack. "Yea sure, but why didn't you just wait at your house until I picked you up?" I asked. "Because we haven't really talked since the party and I wanted to see how you were, but I wanted to talk to you without Dakota." Noah said. "Um..okay. You can change in the bathroom, while I change in here, just make sure to knock before coming in." I said. "Alright." He answered as he left the room. I went into my closet and pulled out a pair of combat boots and a dark green shirt, sort of like a camouflage color. Then I went to my dresser and found a pair of jeans that went along with my boots and shirt. I already had my shirt on but as I was putting my jeans on Noah walked into the room shirtless and started looking around. "Dude!! I said to knock first!" I yelled as I backed into my closet trying to pull my pants up. "Sorry, I thought I grabbed my shirt out of my bag before I left but I guess I didn't." He said. I came out of my closet and tried helping him find his shirt, but no luck. I looked at Noah's upper half and it was....FINE. I mean, I've seen him shirtless before, but right now he just looked, gorgeous. Noah noticed I was staring and I quickly looked away. "You like what you see?" He asked with a smirk. "Oh shut up Noah, all six packs are worth staring at!" I said before I fell over laughing. "Do you by any chance have a shirt I could borrow?" He asked. "I probably don't, but Austin might, I will be right back." I said as I walked out of the room. "Hey loser, gotta shirt I could let Noah borrow?" I asked as I entered his room. "Thanks for knocking." He said sarcastically. "Check the closet." He said. "Thanks bro." I said. "No problem loser." He answered. I walked back into my room and found Noah going through my yearbook from the third grade. "Awhh, Naomi, you were so cute, what happened to you?" He asked. "You know what Noah, you can walk to school while Dakota and I drive and you don't get your shirt back until you get to the school building." I said. "You're just trying to keep my shirt off so you can look at me some more." He said while biting his lip. "You're disgusting Noah, I'm keeping your shirt away so you can freeze in the rain..not so I can look at you idiot." I yelled while putting his shirt behind my back. He grabbed my arm and tried to reach his shirt, but I kept my arm well placed behind my back. He finally grabbed ahold of my wrist and grabbed onto his shirt, it became pretty much a game of tug of war. After about a few minutes of pulling, I let go and watched Noah fall the floor and I busted out laughing. I heard the front door open so I walked out of my room and went down stairs..it was Dakota. "Finally you're here, I had to deal with this idiot since my alarm went off." I said pointing towards Noah as he walked out of my room. "Sorry, I had to deal with Jessica's drama all over Instagram. That girl seriously needs to learn when to shut her mouth. You got any food, I'm starving." Dakota said as she walked towards my kitchen. "Why do you even ask, you know where the pantry and fridge are." I say laughing. "True." She says grabbing some lucky charms out of the pantry. I finish getting ready for school and Dakota, Noah, and I take my car to school since its raining outside. We go our separate ways and I head to first period. The class was taking notes and that's when I noticed a tear fall from Lux Carrington's face and onto her note filled paper. Her tear smeared her writing. I tapped her shoulder and asked, "Are you okay?" She nodded and looked away. The nod was clearly fake. I tried cheering her up and to her, "What ever it is, it will get better." She looked at me and said, "Thanks." The rest of the day went on and the rain was still coming down. That meant we were having soccer practice inside today. I liked when practice was inside, we were able to work on agility skills. The rain stopped half way through practice so we went outside to run some laps on the track. Practice ended and I headed on home, almost feeling bad that I couldn't give Noah and Dakota ride, but I remembered that they got rides from other friends. I entered the house to see my mom putting some dishes in the dishwasher. "Hey sweetie, how was practice?" She asked. "Good, we ran some laps and worked with the agility ladders." I answered. "There is a very sweet girl across the street, you should go over. She is Mrs. Carrington's daughter." She said. "You mean Lux Carrington. Sweet?" I said with a chuckle. "Oh shush, you know better than to say stuff like that." My mom said scolding me. "I wasn't trying to be rude. But Lux is pretty much the trouble maker of the school, even she wouldn't agree that she is 'sweet'." I said staring at my mom. "Go wash up and head on over there, I spoke to her mom at the supermarket and she said it would be okay." My mom said rushing me up the stairs. "Fine." I said. I went to my closet grabbed my clothes and set them on the bathroom counter. I took a shower and got dressed and walked over to Lux's house. The outside of her house was nice and I could see that she had a two-story house like me. I knocked on her door and she answered with a surprised look. Her mom clearly didn't tell her I was coming. "Naomi?" She asked. "Hi!" I said with a smile. She did a small wave. "Oh sorry, my mom said 'There is a very sweet girl across the street you should go over.' Yet you've been here for over a year." I said. "Ha! Sweet!?, well Leyla is supposed to come over later, don't wanna deal with her, wanna stay, heard you are strong?" She said. It was was kind of a weird thing to say, but I nodded in agreement to her questions. She let me into her house and started to pour two cups of tea, handing me one as we headed up her stairs. We entered her room and I went to her couch and sat down. "Nice house." I said. "Thanks so did you go to the party Saturday?" She asked. I nodded, setting down my cup on a coaster. There was knock at the door. We both ran out her room laughing and she started pushing me, so I pushed her back making her fall. We started laughing making each other laugh harder. I helped her up and we went to open the front door only to find Leyla standing there. "C'mon in." Lux said. We all sat down and started talking. "So how do I get back at my sister?" Leyla asked. Knowing this was getting juicy I said, "ooooo." Lux started laughing. "Why? Aren't y'all close?" I asked. "Not really, she bosses me around and if it were up to me I wouldn't bully so many people." She explained. "So this is all an act?" I asked, not really sure what to believe at this point. Leyla nodded. "We should all go into school together, because they wouldn't expect us all together." Lux said laughing. Leyla and I stared at Lux. "Oh my gosh that was a joke." Lux said. "No, no, no, that's a good idea." I said with a smile. "Yeah! Break the cliques!" Leyla said. "Okay." Luz said shrugging like she didn't care, but Leyla and I knew she did. I looked around Leyla's room and saw her clothes in her closet. They were surprisingly pretty stylish. "I actually like your style Lux." I said. "Same." Leyla said. "Y'all can borrow something." Lux said shrugging. "Really?" Leyla and I asked. Lux nodded. Lux handed me a pair of black pants, a white crop top, a black cardigan, and a pair of white high tops. The crop top wasn't really my style, but we were breaking the cliques, which I assume involved clothing, so I just went with it. Overall the outfit was pretty. It was crazy how 3 girls with completely different styles were hanging out and actually having a good time. It was actually fun.

A//N I'm really sorry that this chapter is so late, I haven't been on Wattpad in a while, so I was unable to update. I will be updating Chapter 3 tomorrow, I promise.

Make sure to go check out their books to get a heads up on what the next chapter will be about. lowkeysavy twitter_flower Gentabic samsbabee

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