I learn about my lineage - sort of

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Hello. My name is Marcus Jackson, and yes, before you ask, I am related to THE Percy Jackson. Yes, yes the works. I was always told that my family is one forever etched in legend, but they never told me THIS much. Anyways, this isnt a Percy Jackson story, this is mine. So lets start from the beginning.

I was born in Manhattan, and grew up there with my mom, Martha. I guess you could say I lived a regular life, if you call regular moving constantly from town to town, city to city, school to school. My mom says its the nature of us Jacksons', never staying at one place too long. But it still would be nice to complete ONE year of school. Now I live in New Jersey in an apartment with my mom. No dad unfortunately. She said my dad was and still is a great man. Underappreciated, her dad never approved. Heard he was furious.

"Why it had to happen. Why it had to be HIM ?" her dad said to her.

My mom said it was soo bad that she left home and never looked back. She said her parents life, our heritage is a twisted and complicated thing that she wanted nothing to be apart of. Gosh, she made it sound like they commited incest or something.

Anyways, its weird you know, being accident prone and labelled as a problem child. Its not my fault that guy tried to torch my school three years ago. I still insist that somehow he had the fire in his hands, but then people started to use the crazy label on me. After that incident the only schools I could attend are ones for "special" kids. Heck, last year a pair of large dogs with red glowing eyes ravaged the gym. One looked at me, growled and ran off. Of course since I was the only person there I got the blame. This year seems fine so far, the only thing bugging me are bullies.

"Matthew, did you pick up your lunch?" Mom asked.

"Yes mom.." I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my lunch and tore for the door

"Make sure you look both ways before crossing the street!"

"MOMM!!!! I'm not four!!"

"Love you too!"

I stepped on my hoverboard and cranked it up to max speed. Zipping down the streets, I passed the neighbourhood ebook store and shouted.

"Donnie! Make sure you save me a copy of Sky Raiders!"

"Sure thing Matt!" the owner said. Too bad I never got that book. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever rode that part of Jersey ever again.

In no time I hit school. The New Jersey Institute for Gifted and Special Students. Eek, sounds like a bad rerun of the X-Men movies.

I hopped off my hoverboard and collapsed into my bag. Walking in I prayed, that I could walk in safe and sound. Boy was I wrong.
"Mr Jackson! My main man!" I heard the bellowing of voice that should belong to a giant.

I turned around and started to swiftly walk away.

"Hey Jackson, where you running to?" Another one asked.

I bended the corner and was face to face with the head of the bullies at my school. Francis Boulevard. Or roadkill behind his back.

"Looks like Matty here is a bit hard of hearing. I'm sure a couple fists will open his ears"

After my daily dose of buttkicking, I tried to slip in class, but the teacher got the better of me.

"Misssster Jackson. Why are you so late?" The machine asked.

I had to punch in an automated excuse - I had to run arrands. The government thought it was a good idea for robotic teachers to be implemented into the education system, due to failing students and ignorant teachers rising the past seven years, but decided that trial runs should be held at schools like mine before being mass produced for nationwide use. It beeped and processed my response, and buzzed

"Hurry to your seat then."

I slumped into my seat by the window, thinking my day couldnt get any worse.

That's when the dragon landed on the principal's Mercedes.

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