Chapter 7

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A/N: sorry i didn't post a chapter yesterday, wattpad was playing up. but hope you enjoy this chapter... made it extra long Xx

Chapter 7: 

Amani POV:

I love this feeling of floating in the water, allowing the water to carry all my problems away from me, for this moment. I had come to this lake after Adam came to my house after school wanting to take me on a date, since we were already 'engaged.' I refused and said I needed to study for a test the next day. Which was somewhat true. I do have a test for English tomorrow but me being the nerd I am have already studied for it two weeks in advance. Once Adam had left the house, I told dad I was going for a swim. He allowed me, telling me to be back before the afternoon prayer so I wouldn't miss it.

Now here I am swimming in the lake. which is so deep in the woods that no one comes since they are too scared. However, I know god is with me wherever I go, protecting me so the woods don't scare me much; unless I see an animal. Don't get me wrong I found animals cute, it's just that I have a small phobia to them. By phobia, I mean I can admire them from afar, but come near me and I will most likely pee my pants and faint. Don't laugh, it has happened before.

All my clothes are off – yes, I'm naked. Well so what, it's not like anyone comes at this time of day to the woods or lake. So I'm safe to take of my scarf and clothes off. After an hour of swimming I get out from the lake and squeeze the water out of my hair. Just as I am about to pick up my towel I hear a gasp making me freeze. Ya Allah, please don't make it be an animal I say, praying in my head to god. I turn around and there two metres away is the person that has been on my mind for three weeks now; ever since that incident.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I scream quickly grabbing the towel trying to cover up my body, but I already know he has seen everything. Oh my god, how long has he been standing there I wonder in my head. I wrap the towel around my body and grab my scarf hiding behind the tree near me. Trying to cover myself from his view.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE!" I yell from behind the tree trying to contain the rage inside me, blood rushing to my face.

"WHOA! I swear I only just got here, I didn't see anything." Replies the man that has been on my mind ever since the crash.

"DON'T LIE!" I yell putting my clothes on in records time, my hands shaking from embarrassment of been seen. Ya Allah, please forgive me for my sin, I pray in my head to god again.

"Okay, I'm sorry, I didn't even know anyone was here." He says trying to sound apologetic.

Once I finish putting on my black long sleeve maxi dress and wrapping my scarf around my head to cover my hair, I move away from the tree. But that is a big mistake, because now that I see him clearly, he too is.... Completely.... naked.

"OH MY GOD!" I yell covering my eyes with my hands and turning around.

"What? What is it?" he questions confused.

With my back towards him, my face now the colour of a tomato I reply "What do you mean what! Why the hell are you naked!?"

I try to erase the picture of his naked body from my mind, but it won't seem to leave. I can still picture his massive muscles and eight packs abs glistening with a sheen layer of sweat. The tattoo which I had been wondering about since the crash, I now know covers his entire left side of the body- making him look even more sexy and bad boy like. And his massive dic- oh god, no. I'm not going to think about that. I shake my head trying to get rid of the image, but it's not working. Imprinted in my head is his naked form and that at elven inch dic- astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah, astaghfirullah I repeat in my head trying my best to get rid of the image again.

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