Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Enjoy! Hope you like the chapter. Sorry it's a bit short! Next one will be longer.

Some meanings of Arabic words:

Sheikh- an Islamic scholar

Zam zam water- holy water

Wudu- is the procedure for washing parts of the body, a type of. It is commonly done before performing prayers or touching the holy book (Quran).

Amani POV

"Jo paint my nails please instead of the skin surrounding it." I grab the nail polish brush from Jo's hand; stopping him from further ruining my nails. Great now I must remove all the nail polish and redo all over again. Painting my nails is not an everyday task a muslin women can do. This is because during wudu water needs to reach our nails as women and men need to be clean before they pray so wudu is performed. The only time a woman can wear nail polish without having to remove it for wudu, is when she is on her period. That's what I have. Ugh! The cramps kill me!

"I'm am offended. I can't believe you would call my work of art shit! Uh, do you know how long it took me to do this? I could have been in my room getting some beauty sleep! But Noooo here I am being a nice older brother and painting your nails." Josh rambles, waving his hands around as if to further express his emotions.

I get off the bed shaking my head. Yep, this is how Joseph is. No, this is not acting. Sometimes I wonder if Jo really is gay. I mean I have asked him numerous times but all he does is laugh at my face and deny it. I still don't believe him though. If he were gay would I be against him? The answer to the question is, of course not. It's not my place to judge him, that's between God and Jo.

Look at me, I've probably committed sins that are worse than being gay. Heck, a freaking male saw me naked! Gosh, my face now is burning bright red just thinking about him! It's been two days and yet all I can think about is Ay. What's worse is now I'm having dreams about him too. Dreams that would make a sheikh faint. I wish I could wash my thoughts and brain with zam zam water to purify them.

"Jo please be quiet your giving me a headache."

"did you jus-."

"JOSEPH, AMANI PLEASE COME DOWN HERE!" dads voice cuts Jo off mid-sentence.

"COMING!" I finish off painting my left pinky with the beige nail polish. Both Jo and I race one another downstairs; seeing who will win.

Putting my foot out, Jo trips allowing me to reach the kitchen faster.

"I win!"

"No! that was cheating. DAD! You saw what Aman did!" Jo cries childishly.

Dad looks up from his phone and just shakes his head chuckling but doesn't reply; knowing that will create a war.

"Uh, I didn't cheat it was a fair game." Poking my tongue out at Jo. An argument between Jo and I surface; me saying it was a fair game and Jo accusing me of cheating. As if I would ever cheat hehehehe.

"Kids please be quiet. I've got important news to tell you."

"What is it now dad? Have you got someone for me to marry now." Jo says looking serious rather than his usual playful self.

"Jo please not now." Dad Sighs, rubbing his forehead. Old age is becoming more apparent on his face. Although my parents had us at a young age of fifteen, making dad only thirty-two years of age. The stress of caring for two teenagers along with running his own business has cached up making him look older. Jo and I do our best to take care of ourselves, removing some of the stress off dad's shoulders but being a single parent is hard.

"So, dad what did you call us down for," I say trying to change the subject.

"Right. Ummm... well, I am going to Dubai for a week for business and that means Aman is in charge." Dad points at me and I smile back.

"What so not fair. I'm the oldest so I should be in charge!" Jo protests.

"Bro please, dad will never let you be in charge after the party you threw last time. Trashing the whole house and nearly getting arrested."

"Hey I apologized for that and I NEARLY got arrested. Which technically means I didn't, so that makes me in charge." Jo argues making no sense. Both dad and I ignore him; both too tired to reason with him as it will get us nowhere.

"Dad is that all you were going to tell us?"

"No sweetie. Adam also called and wanted to inform you that he will be picking you up in twenty minutes to meet up with the wedding planner."

"NU UH! No way is she going on a date with that freak of a show!" Jo says jumping up from his chair.

"Jo please calm down. It's not a date and we'll have to plan the wedding soon. Don't you remember it's in a month." I reason putting my hands on his shoulders trying to calm him down before he explodes with rage.

"Fine but if that douche is mean to you call me and I will beat him up."

Laughing I get off the chair give dad a kiss on the cheek and make my way upstairs getting ready to plan my wedding with Adam.


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