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chapter 6

"Wait, so you really peed yourself in second grade?" Ella and Hansol's contagious laughter filled the room, as Hansol was explaining previous school situations.

"Okay, it wasn't my fault. The teacher wouldn't let me go, and I really had to use the restroom."

He watched as Ella's eyes became wet, indicating how amusing she believed the situation really was.

"Oh, like you haven't done embarrassing things in your life too," Hansol stuck up his nose and turned his face in an annoyed manner.

"Trust me, I have, I would just rather save those for another time. I should probably get to work though." She sighed.

Hansol checked the schedule that Ella had given him previously. It did not indicate that she was teaching today. "Wait, Ella, the schedule says that you don't have an art class today."

She chuckled. "You're right, I don't. I actually do have to make a living somehow, despite what people may think." She began to make her way behind the counter, grabbing an apron in one hand and a coffee pitcher in the other.

"Refill?" She smirked at him.

"Wait, you work here?" His eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, I don't wear this apron for the looks, I'll tell you that." She chuckled at Hansol's confused expression. "Don't look so surprised, and by the way, I can't get you free food. But if you want to come back and hang around after my shift, I will be happy to accompany you again."

"That's a deal." Hansol bit his lip, attempting to hide the toothy grin that was trying to make an appearance to Ella.

"Alright, be here at eight."


"Ella?" Hansol asked, ecstatic to see her beautiful face for the second time today. He inched his way into the café, but he couldn't seem to spot her, even though the place was almost completely empty. The only person that seemed to be left was an old man in the corner, sipping a cup of coffee and reading a newspaper.

He decided to sit down at their regular booth, staring out the window at the full moon.

"Boo!" A sudden sound startled Hansol as he moved forward and hit his head on the glass window.

But he knew it was her.

"Ella, don't scare me like that!" She just laughed. And laughed. The elderly man in the corner seemed to not relish in the loud noises caused by the two teenagers.

Hansol stared intently at the very amused, Ella, the tears in her eyes making them sparkle like never before. She was so youthful, so at peace, and so incredibly beautiful.

"Well, I better lock the place up," she said, finally beginning to finish her contagious laughter. He nodded.

It only took a few minutes before she had completed the task. "Okay, all done. Ready to go?"

He quickly shook his head up and down, indicating a "yes."

"So where are we going?" Hansol was actually very intrigued about what they were going to do. He really could have honestly cared less. He just enjoyed her company.

"How about my place? I'm really tired from work, and I already ordered a pizza to be delivered, and I can't possibly eat it all by myself." She smirked, tucking back a piece of auburn hair behind her ear.

"Actually, that sounds quite nice."


When they arrived outside the small house, the beams of a car became visible, and Ella paid for the food as they walked into the door. Hansol carried the pizza and placed it on the quartz kitchen countertops.

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