This is The Life - Chapter 1

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I got up, walked across the stairway to the bathroom and looked at myself in the reflection of the mirror. All I could see was hurt; pure and obvious hurt. I noticed bags under my eyes, which I can't remember being without as long as I have lived.

My hair was awash with grease and my hairbrush snagged at each strand. I tried to fix it as best as I could.

I am a mess. A pathetic mess.

"Tyler, hurry up!" Mum yelled up the stairs.

My little sister, Cindy, appeared in the doorway while I attempted to wash my hair in the sink. "You wouldn't want to be late for school now, would you Tyler?" She smirked. Cindy has always held a grudge against me, never letting me in on why.

"Hey, don't make me tell you again!" Mum shouted. She always seems to raise her voice at me and I seldom manage to have a meaningful conversation with her. It's like there is an invisible wall dividing us, although I'm the only one who makes an effort to be cordial.

"I'm not dressed yet mum, sorry" I replied, an obvious nervousness present in my sound. I counted three seconds...


"What?! You've got to be kidding Tyler? Hurry the f*ck up and don't make me come up there!"

Quicker than usual...

She's such a harsh b*tch, although that I'd never tell her. But, I had just woken up and there was still at least an hour until school started.

I was hurrying back to my room to change my clothes but, Cindy interrupted me: "Hey! Stop skipping like such a little f*g and get ready".

"What's your problem? Can't you just leave me alone?" I pleaded.

"My problem is that poofs shouldn't be taken seriously. Ever since you started acting like a girl I lost my respect for you. So grow some balls and man up, and I will leave you alone"

"You talk so much sh*t Cindy, you know that?"

"You think you're tough Tyler?! We'll see!" She stormed towards me but, my brother, Sam, blocked her.

Sam had always maintained respect for me, even when others had not. His voice had meaning, and was always heard.

"Cut it out! Seriously, you're always arguing!" He groaned. "I suggest you both get ready before Mum goes off on one".

"Okay -" She said "- but what are you going to do when Sam goes?" She pointed at me, then turned, entered her room, and slammed her door shut.

"Well, hopefully I won't be around long enough to find out" I mumbled, perhaps too audibly. I rotated myself to face my bedroom doorway, but Sam spun me back.

"What do you mean by that?" Sam asked with a worried look on his face. "Please don't do anything you'll regret. Please."

As I turned back, I admitted: "I can't promise anything." I clasped my fingers around the door handle and stepped into my blue-stained carpet.

"I know, I know. Just try not to -"

I flexed my arm and pulled the door backwards. It shut between Sam and I, never hearing what he said. But he slid a note under the door frame, enclosing his phone number, in case I needed a chat while he was in America.

Holding back tears, I slipped my school uniform on to cover my pale, bruised skin.

Since we had little money, the only clothes I possessed were my school uniform, a white polo shirt, black ripped jeans, a belt, and a pair of grey socks.

I was shunned compared to my siblings, having to sleep with only two different pairs of underwear, which were rarely washed and stunk of body odour. Cindy, Sam and Sidney, however, all get their own choice of casual clothing and nightwear.

Additionally, I couldn't shower Mum said I'd use 'useful hot water' and I couldn't eat breakfast because I'd use 'good cereal'.

"That's it Tyler, you're grounded! Get down here!" Mum screeched.

I made my way downstairs and confronted her. "Look Mum, you do know that the rest of your kids go to the same school as me, and they're not ready either! Why do you take your anger out on me?"

"Because you're a disappointment, now take your bag and shoes and get out of my house!" She threatened.

"Mum, you actually think I give a flying f*ck? Grounding does f*ck all too! I have no friends, and you don't care about me!" There was a silence for a few seconds. I had never shouted at her like that before. "You know, I'm done with you. You might see me later."

Take a break :)

The journey to school was painful that day. It's always painful but this was the first day I felt like i didn't care anymore - I was numb.

Not even a minute into my journey, I was cornered by Tyrell and his gang. They backed me up to a brick wall and the insults came.

"Hey d*ck boy, want a kiss? Haha!"

"Yo stinky f*gg*t, got my homework?" Tyrell expected me to do his homework, without fail.

"Yes I have Tyrell, I just managed to squeeze it in my bag before my mum-" I was stopped from by a smaller kid with blond hair.

"Oi fairy boy, I think we've heard enough from you"

Others chimed in: "Yeah, hurry up or we'll hit you!"

"You need some deodorant real bad, smelly c*nt".

I handed Tyrell's homework over and continued my trek to hell.

I'm not sure why I attended school, let alone do Tyrell's homework. Everything was starting to add up.

Not able to cope, I took a left and headed for the cemetery. The only public place I could go and not be disturbed.

There was enough time to sit under my tree and clear my head.

I used to be so popular until I came out. I had a supportive friend group, people I could trust and a family. But when I revealed that I liked a boy in my year, it ruined my life and I shouldn't have told anyone.

I had to live through the nightmare I created for myself, or move. Why didn't I just move?

Naturally I looked down at my wrist to check the time. But, all I saw were bruises and scars. Mum had beaten me last week and she stole my watch. I felt tears forming and this time I couldn't hold them back.

I cried and cried for what seemed like hours.

This is the life.

Eat something fruity :)

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